Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Even though he was holding tightly onto her hand as they walked, Jai still hadn't said a word to Lyv. He'd even closed off some of his thoughts, so she couldn't even peek inside that mind of his to know. Of course, she could use her dark magic...but that wouldn't have been a very good idea all things considered.

Elys bounded ahead of them all, looking around at every towering tree they passed and blooming flowers so different from the ones in their world. But when he let out a surprised and eager shout, Lyv tensed, fearing the worst. She didn't have to, though.

It was the sight of a small pool of water being fed by smaller streams that had the boy excited, especially when he saw that one of those streams created a waterfall that flowed over several large boulders. The other side of it, where they stopped, was outlined in a sandy bank, large enough for them to put up the tent and still have plenty of room between them and the water. The last of the sunlight glittered across the surface, quickly being replaced by the light of the night sky, as it lapped softly against the shore.

"Oh, wow," Allel breathed as she slowly spun around, taking it all in. "This is breathtaking."

Kalla smiled and nodded, her eyes growing distant. Like she was thinking back to another time, long ago. "It is. Gods, to think how much time we've spent here..."

"We can see why."

While Kalla continued on with stories of her time there before, Lyv blocked everything out, focusing on grabbing the folded-up fabric of the tent within the depths of her bag. Usually, she would let someone help her, but she did it herself almost subconsciously, waving one hand and tossing it up into the air with the other. In a flash, her magic had it all set up and even added an additional section for the dragons to sleep since they obviously didn't want to be out in the open. The two of them disappeared inside as soon as it was complete.

While she'd set up the tent, Jai put up a protective ward around them, which also managed to block them from view and would keep anything from hearing, too. Just to be on the safe side, Lyv put up her own against his, their magic automatically intertwining, making it stronger. As soon as she did, their eyes met but no words were said aloud or in silence down their bond.

"Not that I'm not upset with you, but I do believe he's even more so," Gideon told her as he stepped up to her side.

Lyv heaved a sigh. "I don't want to hear it, Gideon."

"But you need to. What happened back there..."

"I had it under control."

"And I know you did. But there will come a time when you think you do and yet lose it all together. I don't want to see that happen, so you need to be mindful of when you do use your dark magic. We'll get it out of you, though. Don't know how just yet, but we will. And don't even think of sharing it between you and Jai like Corliss and Meron did. I will not lose my two best friends."

Eyes stinging, Lyv had to blink several times before looking up at him. "You won't. I promise."

Gideon's usual smile lit up his face before he leaned forward to kiss her forehead. "Love you, Lyv."

"I love you, too," she told him.

He strode off toward the opening of the tent where Thia waited for him. He swooped in for kiss, which made her laugh against his mouth, as he walked her backward inside. Kalla followed, grinning suggestively, and telling them how she would gladly join them for some fun time if they were willing. Allel told her to be careful with what she said around Elys, who had ran up beside the shapeshifter to take her hand.

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