Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

It took both Jai and Gideon to pry Elys off of Lyv as she prepared to leave. Her heart stuttered at the sound of his cries against her stomach as he held on to her tight. When Jai first went to pull him off her, Lyv held up a hand to stop him before kneeling down to Elys's level. Reaching up, she quickly wiped away his tears and kissed his cheek.

"Don't go, Lyvi," he begged between hiccupped sobs. "Please, don't go."

"I have to, sweet boy," she whispered to him. "It will be all right. You know that, even if you can't see it in those visions of yours. I'll be back as soon as I possibly can, got it? You don't have to worry."

"But I do worry. Because I can't see anything that happens over the next few hours. I don't like being blind to what's to come. All I can see is the camp and the fires and the stars above. Nothing specific, nothing to tell me what happens."

Lyv tried not to let him notice that flash of worry that crossed her face. "It will be all right," she repeated.

Even with his tears, he growled in frustration. It was such a Jai reaction it had Lyv smiling. "Stop saying that, would you?"


But he didn't say another word as a sob wracked his little body. He flung himself at her once more and wouldn't let go. Knowing she had to leave soon, Lyv did let Jai attempt to pull Elys off her, then had Gideon join in the efforts. When they finally managed, Elys clung to Jai and begged him to make Lyv stay.

Her parents and Emmeric were the first to give her hugs goodbye, the last of which was Bridget. Lyv had never really seen her mother upset with her, but now she was. No, not just upset, she was absolutely fuming. No wonder everyone usually put distance between themselves and Lyv when she was pissed. Just one more thing she got from her mother.


"Why, Alyvia?" Bridget demanded. "Why do you think you have to do this yourself?"

"Because you know I do."

"But she's my sister. I should go with you. I should try and break through to her just as you think we can. Then maybe I'll...I'll get her back and we can..."


Bridget lifted her hands to Lyv's face, cradling it gently. "I can't believe Jai agreed to let you do this either."

"Honestly, I can't either. But he trusts me...and I hope you do, too."

"Oh, of course, I do. But I'm your mother and I'm going to worry about you for as long as I live. I'll always be fiercely protective of you. I thought you were used to this by now?"

Lyv managed to crack a smile. "I am, but I still love to complain about it."

"You'll know exactly what I mean once you have your own little one."

She had to bite the inside of her lip, but nodded and hugged her tight, not wanting anything to give away what she was thinking.

Because she already knew what her mother meant.

Her other goodbyes with Thia, Allel, Kalla, and Mik were short and sweet, though the females gave her looks as if to tell her to not only protect herself, but the sweet little life growing inside her. Of course, she would. As soon as she promised Jai she would come back to him, she'd put up the first protective spell.

When it came to Gideon, though, he could hardly look at her face as she strode toward him. He was taking in her armor and boots, her braided hair, and her sword and dagger. Then those eyes shifted behind her at Roshan in his, too.

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