Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Elys didn't want to let go of her, which made it difficult when Lyv had to get to those injured in the attack and when the others wanted to hug her in greeting, grinning at the spectacular entrance. They'd all mostly gotten to her before Allel emerged from their tent with Elys clinging to her hand, tears welling up in his eyes he tried to blink away. But as soon as he saw Lyv, realized she, Thia, her mother, and the other riders were who saved them, he let them freely fall.

While the protective wards were going back up around the camp, Jai kissed the side of her head and offered his help and his magic in any way she needed. They weren't going to be caught off guard again.

And still, Elys stayed close even after she set him on his feet, fingers grasping onto the beltloop on her leather pants. His tears still streamed, though his gaze was distant, as if he knew and understood something he wasn't going to offer up to her just yet.

Knowing the little Seer was off in his own thoughts, Lyv turned to Gideon, who was ever her shadow and on her guard. "How has he been?" she murmured to him as she ran her fingers through Elys's hair, making him lean against her side. His other hand lifted to her stomach, absentmindedly playing with the buckles and tracing over the embossing.

Gideon stared down at him before meeting her gaze. "He's been perfectly fine. Reading that Seer text of his for the thousandth time, working with Michel on his magic, and eating enough curtesy of Kalla since he knows she'll give him anything he wants."

Lyv's smile curled at the corners of his mouth as she looked down at the boy. He wasn't talking. Didn't even peep a single word for the rest of the day.

He kept close to her still, as she walked through the infirmary tent to see everyone healed and sitting up, talking, and laughing. The only time he did let go of her was to run to Roshan, Erly, and Chesnan and hug each of them around their necks. Of course, the dragons all loved the cuddles and even bared their teeth when another rider passed by. If Lyv, Jai, and the others weren't around to protect Elys, undoubtedly the dragons would. The three of them hogged all of his attention, allowing for Lyv to step off for just a moment toward the protective ward surrounding the camp.

The sun continued to set over the darkened mountains in the west as more fires were lit, meals were cooked over the flames, and laughter and conversation floated throughout the camp.

With Elys on one side and Jai on her other, the three of them walked around, making sure everyone had what they needed and the guardsmen on watch were in proper position.

Once they reached their own tent, which opened up into a much larger space inside thanks to Lyv's magic, it was crowded around the center where a large, rectangular table sat. Gideon and Thia were at one end with three chairs in between them and Ada and Gyver. Bridger and Davon were next, followed by Emmeric, Alberich, and Bridget. Rounding to the other side, Mik, Allel, and Kalla sat across from Gideon and Thia, then Michel, Camilla, Soren, and Merek. Even Zavian had stayed for dinner, though they all knew what they would be discussing afterward once the dishes were cleared and the maps of Escarral were spread out. He was in deep conversation with Merek, both practically fawning over each other at the tales told about them to the other which surprised Lyv.

Elys shifted to sit in Lyv's lap as soon as dinner was cleared. Though she wanted to lean forward to watch as Jai and Gideon explained the troop movements, who would be going where, and what they would need to be on the lookout for as they continued west to the ruins of the capital city of Escarral, she didn't dare move when Elys fell asleep against her chest. She absentmindedly rubbed one hand up and down his back in soothing motions, which made him snuggle closer to her, his face pressed into the side of her neck as he snored softly. Though everyone looked at them with a smile, it was Bridget and Ada who couldn't stop watching, smiling with adoration in their eyes.

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