Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

Jai hadn't been prepared for the onslaught of family surrounding them as soon as they stepped out of the tent. The first thing he saw, though, was the bright blue skies above them, the miles and miles of green grass swaying back and forth in the autumn breeze before the forests stretched out beyond, and the shining Escarrali capital in the distance. Everything was even more breathtaking than it had been before.

Lyv had done this. All of this. Had healed their world and banished the darkness from every inch it touched. She'd brought him back so he could experience it all with her, so they could finally be free from fear, so they could live their lives in peace.

Gideon was the first to exit the tent, his smile contradicting the tears still streaking down his face, causing everyone to look at him in confusion and concern. They'd been sitting around the large bonfire, talking about what to do next, about how to tell everyone back home they'd now lost not only Jai, but Lyv, too.


Thia, Mik, Allel, and Kalla.

Camilla and Soren.

His father, Bridget, Alberich, and Drue.

Ada, Gyver, Bridger, and Davon.

Merek, Donovan, and Zavian.

And even Cleo with Urell and, surprisingly, Crown Prince Malik of Krahzara by her side.

Thia was, of course, the first one to step forward, wiping her face with the edges of her cloak. "Gideon, what...are you...?"

Then her eyes landed on Lyv, who still had her arm looped through Gideon's.

And slid to Jai, who was on her other.

Both alive and whole. Both of them smiling at the shocked faces of their family, of the guardsmen who stopped mid-stride to stare at their Crown Prince and Crown Princess, jaw slack and eyes wide.

"Lyv! Jai!"

Of course, it was Bridget who was the one to scream their names, practically knocking over everyone in her way as she launched herself in their direction. It was when she'd said their names that made everyone else realize that yes, they weren't all in the land of light and shadows where Jai and Lyv were waiting to welcome them. They were really, truly there, alive and well and, on Jai's part, still a little stiff from...well, from being dead for almost a week.

Pushing Gideon out of her way, Bridget's hug around Jai and Lyv's necks were just as fierce as their best friend's had been.

"Oh, gods. Oh, gods," Bridget cried, still not showing any signs of wanting to let go. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! How? How is this possible? How are you here?"

She didn't wait for an answer, though, as she pulled back to kiss them both on the cheek.

"Hi, Momma," Lyv laughed, though Jai could still hear the tears in her voice. "We're both all right. We're all right."

"But how?" she demanded, still not letting either of them go. She gripped Jai's chin in one hand, staring. "'ve been gone for days. Days. And Lyv, sweetie, it's been hours since you...since..." She let out another sob, her grip on them tightening. "I thought I'd never see you again. Not until we joined you."

"You can't get rid of me that easily, you know."

"And I wouldn't want to!"

Lyv was the first one to wriggle out of her hold, but that just gave Bridget an excuse to wrap both arms around Jai then, peppering his face with kisses just as he knew his mother and Laurel would as soon as he saw them again.

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