Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

After many more laughs and tears and quiet conversation, Lyv finally got Elys back to sleep. They'd still been stretched out together on the sofa with him cuddled up against her side, his hand resting against her stomach as he drifted off to sleep. She'd managed to scoop him up in her arms, grunting slightly at his weight, and took him back into his room. After pulling up his blankets around him and watching as he pulled his stuffed dragon into his arms, Lyv smiled as she brushed his hair back and kissed his forehead.

No way was she going to be able to go to sleep now.

Only a few candles were lit, cast shadows along the parchment and the canvas walls. Lyv stood in front of the map of Escarral that was still sprawled out on the table, at the drawn-on movements of their troops. While their smaller group was slowly making the way down to the capital city, larger ones were in the other territories. She wondered if the magic wielders were having as much trouble healing the land as they'd been, not knowing it would take both light and dark magic to do so. She didn't either until earlier.

There were new markings on the parchment, showing the path to where Guinevere had been just the week before. They were going to head there with just a small party the following day to see if there was anything of importance. Lyv had a feeling there wouldn't be, though.

It was the capital city drawing her in and it wasn't just following the lines drawn on. Dark magic calling to dark magic and it was pulling her in the direction of her childhood home. She wondered if Jai was feeling it, too.

What would happen when they finally got there? What would they find? Undoubtedly, the vast majority of Corliss's dark army were there. Would it become a full-fledged battle as soon as their troops were within firing distance? Even with the protective enchantments on their weapons and armor, would it be a bloodbath waiting to happen?

Stomach twisting, Lyv had to sit down and lean her head back to concentrate on breathing slowly, hands resting on her stomach.

"What happened to it being morning sickness, huh?" she whispered in half-hearted annoyance, looking down at where her hands were. "But then again, it's technically morning, isn't it? And I don't think it's just due to you either."

That tiny spark, her little ember flared in response, making her smile.

"I have a feeling you're not going to want to hide now that I know you're there, right?"

Another one.

She laughed quietly, rubbing her hand in circles. "That's what I thought. Just as sassy as me...gods, how is your daddy going to handle us both, huh?"

Her imagination ran away with her then. She saw the little girl she'd been dreaming about for those past two years – the newborn nestled in her father's arms, the toddler in Elys's as he danced and twirled her around the palace kitchen in Ayveri. But then she grew into the fiery female she'd only gotten a few minutes with in the dungeon of the Keep and then again when she brought her little sister with her to give Lyv Corliss's journal.

And no matter what they were to face over those next few days and weeks, Lyv knew holding onto her dreams of Dessa would get her through it all.


She snapped her head up to see Thia, hair twisted up on top of her head and in nightclothes similar to her own, watching her with brows furrowed.

Lyv quickly sat up, dropping her hands.

Not the best idea.

Thia rushed over as soon as she saw Lyv's face turn a sickly shade of green. "Are you all right? Are you sick?"

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