Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Lyv was awake earlier than she wanted to be. Knowing what was going to happen today, though, she hardly slept a wink. She loved the way she woke up, though, which Jai's head resting against her chest as he slept, arms secured around her waist. Lyv was just watching him, running her fingers through his hair and tracing random patterns along his shoulder.

They had spent some much-needed alone time together, though they stopped themselves from going too far just like they agreed. That didn't mean they couldn't play, which satisfied both of them just enough to keep the edge off. Jai hadn't put any clothes on afterward, falling asleep before he could, but the silken sheets were gathered at his waist enough to cover him.

Almost another hour passed before he shifted against her, nuzzling his nose into her stomach. It was a good thing, too, since she was supposed to meet Cleo soon at the dragons' quarters.

Lyv smiled as he groaned against her. "Jai, I kinda need to get up."

His lips brushed against her, though she could feel the heat of him through the fabric of his tunic she had on. "Five more minutes."

"Now I at least know where Elys picked that up from. He did the same to me yesterday morning when I tried to get him up."

"He just didn't want to see Kav leave, so he was trying to put off waking up."

True. Elys was pouty all morning while the two princes and their Krahzaran envoy prepared to leave. Cleo was definitely more chipper, knowing her treaty and trade agreements were signed with what she wanted and that she wouldn't have to deal with Malik any longer. She even toasted to their departure the night before at dinner, though not for a safe journey home. Rather, it was because she was happy they'd be gone. Malik rolled his eyes at that, sighing heavily.

Lyv gave Jai five more minutes, but he ended up just dozing off again. Somehow, she was able to get herself out from under him. He moved when she did, burying his face in her pillow with his arms crossed underneath it.

It didn't take her long to shower and dress in her leather riding gear. When she was braiding her hair into two thick plaits, though, a certain darkness appeared in the corner of the bathing room before a ring of shadows appeared.

"So, that mate of yours...did you wear him out last night? And is he still naked underneath those sheets?" Cleo asked, grinning, as she stepped out of them. She was wearing a similar outfit, though hers was a deep burgundy red with gold accents, and her hair was twisted into a bun on top of her head. "Because that's something I'd like to see."

Lyv snorted, rolling her eyes...and yet couldn't help but grin back. "Of course. Why do you think he's still sleeping?"

Cleo's laugh was so loud it was surprising Jai didn't wake and come see what they were doing.

She leaned back against the counter beside Lyv, her emerald eye shifting back to the closed door, onyx one covered as she was wearing her golden eyepatch again. "You told him what we were doing, right?"

Securing her second braid with a leather tie, she nodded. "He doesn't like it very much. Neither does Gideon and Mik. They're just overprotective."

"Kalla's that way with me. Has been my whole life. I already saw her sneaking down to the dragons' quarters with Thia and Allel to meet us there."

"Of course. I had to beg Jai last night to not follow behind. It took some convincing, but he finally promised, especially when I threw Elys into the mix."

"And it probably didn't hurt that you promised him a few other things that you two seemed to do last night."

Lyv's smile was sly as she winked. "Of course not."

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