Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

They were desperately outnumbered against the thousands in the dark army.

Guinevere continued walking slowly down the road leading out of the city, oskurreia and khorzir frozen on either side just as they had been days before when Lyv was last here.

"No matter what," Lyv began as she unsheathed her sword from her back, leaving Jai's close as a source of strength. "No matter what happens, I love every single one of you. And we will never say goodbye as we'll see each other in the land of light and shadows, may it be in just a few minutes or a thousand years. But right now, we end it all. Darkness will not reign over this land, over our world, and I will fight with every last breath, every bit of magic I have within me to see the light cast over everything and everyone again."

Gideon stepped up beside her, ever her loving and faithful oath-sworn warrior and brother. "We stand with you. Always," he told her with a nod, reaching over to squeeze her hand.

And they would.

Including those who appeared through the surround hills and forests and mountainside.

Their timing couldn't be more perfect.

The Dalcaine, Escarral, and Ethran armies all converging on the capital city, banners raised high and billowing in the wind, thousands of guardsmen, dragons, every race coming together unlike they ever had before.

"We fight for us all," Lyv said then, hand tightening on her sword.

Every voice raised in a shout around her. "For us all!"

The battle cry awoke the army of dark creatures, all as one lifting their spears, waiting for the conduit Guinevere's command.

She lifted a hand.

Then closed her fingers in a fist.

And the last battle of the war between darkness and light in their world began.

Lyv ran with everyone behind her, boots slamming against the earth, magic building and building up inside her with every step. Her darkness and light were ready and waiting for her to use them.

It didn't take her long to oblige.

Lyv jumped within her own waiting shadows, appearing across the open space between Kesyn Lake and the ruins of the eastern city gates. As soon as she emerged, she was surrounded by oskurreia, all of which screeched at her sudden appearance.

She needed to blow off her rage and heartbreak and energy with physical fighting first, then she would get to her magic.

Sword gripped in her hands, Lyv slashed and whirled and parried, blade clashing with iron and obsidian spears and swords and daggers. She was careful to keep clear of the weapons, which all dripped with minette spider venom. She knew she could save others from it, but would it be the same in saving herself?

One by one, the dark creatures fell before her. Even as six of them surrounded her, they were no match for her fury. Magic surging through her sword, along with the enchantment she'd placed upon it, they were gone in a flurry of ash with one slash against their chests.

The khorzir were different. The horse-sized creatures bared fangs and talons at her as they screeched, saliva dripping from their maws. They were trying to scare her, bury fear within her heart.

But she felt nothing of the sort, not after everything she'd endured already. They were gone within seconds of each other.

When she could, she was searching through the thousands for her family.

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