Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

Lyv's whole body hurt, even as she sucked in a breath and sat straight up. Her head was pounding and spinning, heart crashing in her chest, and stomach twisting as she tried her best to fight back against the nausea. Every muscle ached as if she'd used them all at once and strained them, too. But her healing magic quickly spread through every part of her, soothing bit of soreness, lessening the pounding in her head, and easing her nausea. Nausea from a little certain someone who was still growing and glowing happily within her as if to say Welcome home, Momma. Now wake up Daddy, would you?

But she needed to know where she was as her eyes began to scan the area around her.

The tent. She was in their tent, laid out on top of a silken white sheet with the shroud Emmeric had laid over Jai pooling in her lap. She had been draped in it, too.

Lyv swallowed against the dryness in her throat, still looking around, hearing the hushed whispers from outside, the crying.

Until her gaze landed on the only one who had been there with them, the one who'd never left their side no matter what, whose eyes were bloodshot and still streaming tears and wide enough for Lyv to see her reflection in them.

Gideon sat frozen as he stared. "L-Lyv?" he choked out. "What the actual fu-?"

She couldn't find her voice, not when the rush of her light magic surged through her. Just her light with not even a flicker of darkness anymore, no Dark Lyv lurking in the recesses of her mind. She held up her hands, both of which were glowing.

Gideon stood up so fast his chair flew back behind him.

But it wasn't him Lyv was focusing on then.

Jai was still lying beside her, eyes closed, unmoving. Not even a breath to make his chest rise and fall.

He'd promised. They would come home together.

"No," she whispered, leaning over him, taking his face in her hands. She leaned her head against his chest, right over his heart where she could only hear silence. "No. Jai? Jai, please..."

They were supposed to come back together.

Then there was one thump beneath her ear.


Until the steady rhythm made her bolt up.

Then Jai's eyes fluttered before he let out a moan. Sapphire eyes met hers, twinkling with love and mischief.

"Mother above, I really feel like I'm three hundred and twenty-eight right now," Jai groaned out, body stiff as he moved to lean up on both elbows. "Why did we decide to come back again?"

At that ridiculous question, Lyv's laugh filled the space just as she leaned down to kiss him. "Don't make me kill you myself if you ever question it again," she said against his lips.

"Then I never will," he grinned, weaving his fingers through her unbound hair to hold her closer.

Gods, to be kissing him again, both of them healed and whole and their light magic the same...she never thought she'd be able to do this again. Having him gone from her, even though it had only been a few days, had felt like multiple lifetimes. And she never wanted to be parted from him again.

Get ready for clingy Lyv, she wanted to warn him, but she was too busy kissing him instead.

Foreheads pressed together, Lyv and Jai couldn't seem to look away from each other even as they held each other close.

Until Jai's eyes drifted down to her stomach where he then pressed his hand.

Lyv smiled, covering it with his own.

"Is she...?"

She nodded. "She's fine. We're fine. We're home."

Keeping his hand on her stomach, Jai kissed the corner of her mouth. "Home."

When they finally managed to pull apart, it was their best friend they were looking at, practically having a silent breakdown in front of them. Gideon had dropped to his knees before them, hands clutching in his hair as he stared. His eyes went back and forth between Lyv and Jai, both alive and healthy and glowing with their light magic that seemed to be celebrating from within.

Lyv was the first one to hop off the table, then helped a stiff Jai do the same. His bones creaked as he grunted, joints popping, and Lyv had to fight the urge to call him Gramps.

As soon as they were standing before him, Gideon jumped up and rushed forward.

"I hate you both," he told them in a choked whisper as he fiercely hugged them, arms tight around their necks. "I hate you both so, so much." His tears and his smile when he pulled back to look between the two of them said anything but. "How? How is this possible? I don't understand...your were both dead."

Lyv and Jai looked at one another, smiling even as Gideon pulled them toward him again.

"It's a long story, one we'll have to tell you, tell everyone," Lyv smiled, reaching up to brush away his tears and kiss his cheek. She squeezed both of them tighter. "All of this...well, it started with the three of us, right?"

Jai nodded. "It sure as hell will end with the three of us."

Gideon snorted out a laugh as Lyv looped her arms through both of theirs. "And that's the best reason for why you two came back. Because I don't think I'd be able to do it without you. None of us would, really. Now...let's go cause some chaos."

***Even though we still have 3 chapters left and the epilogue, I couldn't resist ending this chapter just as I did with the last chapter of MOEAM.  It definitely seemed fitting, especially since everything did start with the three of them.  

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Happy reading!

- Ansley***

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