Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

"Mother above, it's her handwriting," Bridget whispered as she stared down at the rolled-up message in the center of the table.

Elys tugged on Lyv's sleeve as he looked up with wide eyes. "See, I told you something would come from her."

Lyv, not wanting to even touch the parchment let alone unfurl it to read its contents, wrapped an arm around him, pulling him into her lap. "And you don't know what it says?"

He shook his head once.

Jai was standing behind her chair and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Do you want me to read it for you?"

When Lyv didn't answer, rather reached up to squeeze his hand, he took that as an answered yes.

Jai reached forward carefully, everyone staring as he picked up the message. The black wax seal bared an elegant C entwined with thorned vines and a red lace ribbon beneath it. Pulling the wax from the parchment by the ribbon, Jai began to unroll it slowly, waiting for the words to appear. His eyes swept over the parchment once, twice, three times before his jaw clinched. When his brows furrowed, though, Lyv swallowed hard.

"What?" she choked out.

"There's nothing written on it. It's blank."

Lyv plucked the parchment from his grasp, shifting Elys in her lap so she could do so, and spread it out on the table in front of her.

It really was blank.

"What does it mean?" Thia asked, looking just as confused as the rest of them.

But Lyv remained silent.

There was something else drawing her to the parchment, a slight pulse of cloaking magic along it. Drawing one finger down from top to bottom, her own magic spread along it...and line after line of the message meant only for her appeared.

"You see something, don't you?" Jai asked.

She nodded in answer, her stomach twisting into a nervous knot as she began to silently read.

My dearest Alyvia,

Welcome home to your beloved Escarral.

As soon as your people landed on the continent, I knew you were not far behind. It's been so long since I've seen you and would love for you to come visit me. Both me and your mother Guinevere. She longs to see you again after those brief few moments before she had to leave, having been called back by me. While she would love to do nothing but finish what she started with King Bence, I will keep her from harming you. She wants your magic. She will only get what I am willing to give her.

Also, I know that mate of yours shares your dark magic. My conduit told me as such when his eyes went onyx along with yours. He will fall just as quickly as mine had. I wonder how long it will be before that happens and you join me in my quest to darken these lands completely.

So, for now, please come see me in the capital. Alone. My dark creatures will not lay tooth, talon, or obsidian spear on you while you are here. Should you disobey me, you will find I do not tolerate it and you will indeed be punished. If anyone other than yourself passes the city gates, they will die. This goes for your bloodrite bonded dragon as well. One command and everyone you love will be gone.

I expect to see you an hour before sunset tonight. A wonderful dinner will be prepared in your honor.

Do not keep me waiting.

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