Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Staring at the sealed letter in Jai's hands, Lyv was being selfish. She wanted to know what Dessa wrote to him just as much as he did, but she wasn't going to stoop so low as to sneak a peek at it later that night. Still, knowing Dessa had written something to her father specifically had tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at him.

Jai's hands began to shake as he looked at it, knowing exactly who it was from.

"You sure you don't want to read it now?" she whispered, trying to swallow down the lump that formed in her throat. "We...we can wait a little while for you."

Jai shook his head as he tucked the letter into the inside pocket of his leather jacket. "Not that I don't want to right now, because I really do...but we have another, more important adventure to continue on with. can wait for a little while," he said, then turned to Kalla, Mik, and Allel. "So, if you don't mind, lead the way."

Lyv's eyes went back to the tree, which still moved in a conscious manner, another world flickering into view on either side of it. Jai's hand wrapped around her own again just as she reached for Elys's.

And they all moved forward.

Still watching for any hostile movement, they followed behind Kalla, Mik, and Allel. Kalla, having been the one to go through the portal the most, knew what to expect. First, though, she touched the oak's trunk, quietly thanking the unknown spirit within it for keeping them safe on their journey.

She turned back to them then. "We have to go through one at a time. I've tried it with a few people at once and we all ended up in different areas along the coast. I'll go first and then you'll will follow. We shouldn't get separated if we go that way."

"And if we do?" Lyv asked, thinking more about Elys than anyone, seeing as he didn't have magic like the rest of them.

"Then head east until you reach Lake Iris. We'll meet there."

Without another word, she turned and stepped forward to the natural portal between their world and Laria. The way she approached it reminded her of watching Dessa and older Elys when they disappeared through their own after helping her in the Keep. The air twisted and rippled, flashing images of another forest beyond it. Kalla took a hesitant step...

And completely disappeared.

Lyv's hands tightened on both Jai's and Elys's as they watched Allel and then Mik go through it, too.

"Here goes nothing," Gideon grumbled, but Lyv knew him almost as well as she knew herself. He tried to hide his nervousness as he walked forward with Thia, stepping through just before she did.

That left Lyv, Jai, and Elys.

"Me next!" Elys said with excitement.

And before she could stop him, the little boy let go of her hand and bolted forward. When he disappeared, too, Lyv's stomach twisted into a panicked knot.

Jai looked over at her, giving her hand a squeeze. "You want to...?"

But she shook her head. "No, you go first. I'll be right behind you."

Together, they walked right up to the portal, the oak creaking beside them. Squeezing her hand once more before letting go, Jai stepped through the portal, followed by a low hum and slight breeze.

Lyv was the only one left.

Taking one last look around the forests of the Wilds, she finally followed behind them.

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