Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Jai didn't realize it was just a little over a week until the Autumn Equinox festival until he, Lyv, and Gideon slowly walked through the city later that evening. So much had gone on in those past few months they didn't even realize how much time had passed, but it also meant it was that much closer to Lyv and Elys's birthday.

And yet they would be at war when the time finally came. There would be no big celebration like they deserved. Gods, Lyv would be twenty-two and Elys seven. Jai was still

Jai's hand tightened around Lyv's as he looked at her, bringing that hand up to his lips to kiss her knuckles. "I didn't realize it was so close to festival time."

Lyv looked just as surprised as he did in seeing the deep colors of the balloons and streamers. "I didn't either." Her face fell then. "And we're going to be gone for Elys's birthday. I'm going to miss yet another one of his."

"You do realize it's yours, too."

"I know...but I won't be able to make this one special for him like I promised I'd do on his last one. He's going to be seven, Jai. And he's never even had a proper birthday party just like I've been promising him."

Tugging her into his side, Jai kissed her temple. "Then we'll have to make the most of what we've got, don't we? But right now...right now, we've got plans of our own, don't we, Gideon?"

Their best friend grinned from Lyv's other side. "Of course, we do. And it's a long time coming."

What was something they hadn't done in a while? Hanging around their usual booth at the Raven, drinking and talking. Having known what was to come, Jai knew they needed just a resemblance of somewhat normalcy and that was the first thing to come to mind.

None of the others were going to meet them there, though. Kalla dismissed herself to head back to where the Blackloch ships were anchored out in the bay and catch up with Shyael and Dodge. Mik and Allel did also, though it was to head up to their room to start packing and get some rest. Allel looked like she was about to fall asleep any moment after their long flight from Ethran. Even Thia left for a little while to check up on Erly and Roshan.

"I'm good, Lyv," Thia told her as Lyv stood to follow. She stopped her with a shake of her head and a smile. "I'm going to leave you with those two males."

Playing it up, Lyv groaned. "Why? Without you, they'll turn all their protectiveness on me!"

Thia grin widened. "Exactly."

Now, as the three of them continued on through Ayveri, Lyv looped her arms through both Jai's and Gideon's, her happiness easily recognizable to anyone who saw her smile. Just like always, they occupied their usual booth and were greeted with shouted hellos from everyone inside as one of the barmaids brought them their first round of drinks. With his tankard of Ayverian Torrent in hand, he looked all around the crowded tavern. It seemed they weren't the only ones who wanted normalcy in those last few days before they left for Escarral, left for war.

"We haven't done this in a while," Gideon said after he took his first sip. "Gone out with just the three of us. Our little group's grown over the years."

Lyv grinned over the rim of her tankard. "All we need is Jules here to be yelling at you both and it'll be just like it was back at the Rose Stem Tavern," she laughed, then took a sip. She wrinkled her nose and looked down at the liquid, then set it down and pushed it toward Jai for him to have once he finished his first.

"If only," Jai snorted, reaching over to put his hand on her leg and take a drink of his own. "It seems so long ago, that. We were completely different then...and not just because of glamours."

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