Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

Something Lyv, Jai realized as he hung back the following morning. Not in a bad way, exactly. There was something peaceful, serene about her. She radiated it as she finished the simple task of fastening the buckles of Roshan's saddle. She was oblivious to those around her, all who noticed what Jai had. Anytime someone would come close, Roshan would bare his teeth and let out a low growl that had them all turning in the opposite direction. Everyone but Elys, who was stuck to Lyv's side just as he was the previous day. The boy and dragon seemed to have conspired together.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw as Gideon strode toward him. He was already talking as soon as he was within earshot, though Jai still wasn't paying much attention. "...staying here while we're gone. Camilla and Soren are going to take about a dozen guardsmen and fan out around the perimeter of the camp, see if there's any way they can replicate what Lyv...what are you staring at?" He followed his gaze to none other than Lyv. "Never mind. Why would I think to ask such a thing, huh?"

Jai didn't even so much as look at him in acknowledgement, rather nodded in Lyv's direction. "There's something...different about her, right?"

It didn't take Gideon long to notice it either. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed. It's like she's...floating. Has the kid told you anything? I heard her up with him last night. Think he had a vision of something?"

He shrugged. "Maybe. Lyv would have told me by now."

"But she's been kind of distant from you this morning, too, hasn't she?"

She had, other than earlier when they woke up. He hadn't heard her come back into their room hours before but woke up with her in his arms. She was already dressed in her leather and armor, making it a bit awkward to hold her close. Dark circles ringed beneath her eyes, but it was the absolute love and wonder shining in them that didn't make her seem exhausted. He'd kissed her without saying a word then. He hadn't said anything to her, actually, because she was outside as soon as she left their room. She must have only been waiting to have him wake up and kiss her before wanting to leave.

Jai continued keeping an eye on her as much as he could. They were both getting everything ready for their short trip into Ceron, keeping busy in making sure everything made it into the saddlebags just in case they had to extend it. Anytime Jai would pass her, though, he'd pull her in for a kiss before she smiled and pushed him away. His feet practically had him falling all over her when she did because her scent reeled him in. It was different, stronger, completely enticing, and all he wanted to do was keep her close so he could happily drown in it.

"Thia was up with her last night," Gideon continued. "I think Allel and Kalla were, too. They've been acting like nothing happened, though...but you know something did when it comes to their lady gang. How could it not?"

"So, she hasn't said anything?"

"No. Just that it wasn't any of my business...and that she'd smack me if I even said anything to you."

"Preparing to be hit then?"


And right on cue, Thia appeared on his other side, promptly smacking him on the back of his head.

Gideon cursed so loudly it had the guardsmen around them snickering. "What the hell? Where did you come from?"

"From your worst nightmare and your favorite dream," she smiled sweetly at him.

"That is literally you and me in a nutshell, you beautiful female, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Jai snorted as Gideon pulled her in for a loud smacking kiss on the cheek before she was able to push his face away. "You still won't say anything about what happened last night, huh?"

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