Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Before Lyv realized, a week had passed since they'd come to Arloerin. They took their time in learning everything they could about the kingdom and Laria in general. Kalla was the one to take them around, mostly. Having come when the Krahzaran envoy was there, Cleo already had plans she would have loved to get away from, but being the Queen of Arloerin, she couldn't. She was stuck in the council room with Janan, Malik, a few of his advisors, and Urell watching over them all.

The little Krahzaran prince, however, had decided he would much rather spend time with them instead, especially Elys. Though Malik tried to tell him he should learn the ways of diplomacy when Kav announced he was touring the city with them instead, he wasn't going to listen.

"He's more than welcome to come with us," Lyv told him with a smile. Elys and Kav ran off toward Kalla as she and the others headed for the main palace gate. "Truth be told, I'm actually happy Elys has someone close in age to be with here. He hangs around us way too much."

Malik sighed, looking back at Cleo who was already turning down the hallway to the council room. "Kav's supposed to be in these talks as well according to Mother, especially with this being his first diplomatic trip...and when his future with Arloerin is one of the topics being discussed. Maybe it's a good thing he won't be there for this, though. Especially with Cleo being so..."

"She mentioned you used to be friends before."

He nodded, eyes distant. "Once upon a time, yes, but that was so long ago. We both set fire to that bridge and I don't think there's any chance of rebuilding it." He gave Lyv a sad smile. "Go enjoy your time in the city. Undoubtedly, Kalla will be an excellent tour guide."

Kalla was an excellent tour guide, too. Somehow, she spaced out the grand Arloerin tour to fit specific parts of the city over the next week. One day they were just looking around the palace and the wide expanse of gardens and the small lake behind it, another was the business district with all kinds of shops, the university, and the bank with caverns of vaults below, the next was the port district just a short horse ride north, followed by three days of touring the lands around the city and tasting every single wine offered. That might have not been a good idea with the wine, though. It was safe to say Elys and Kav were the only ones who weren't stumbling back into the palace that night because everything in front of them was spinning.

However, on the seventh day at breakfast, Malik was speaking in a low voice to an obviously upset Kav. The boy had his arms crossed over his chest and refused to touch his food.

"But it's going to be so boring," Kav groaned. "I want to be with everyone else, not you and her."

Malik heaved a sigh, though was unyielding. "I don't care. This involves you, too, you know."

"I'm nine. I shouldn't even be a part of these talks. Or even being in talks about future marriage! I'm nine," he repeated.

"Still don't care. And neither does Mother. You're going to be there."

Lyv didn't even have to be present in the conversation to know exactly what it was about. She remembered a few weeks before when they knew nothing about Cleo being Queen of Arloerin that Empress Sophea was trying to marry her youngest son Kav to bind Krahzara and Arloerin together. That was why Kav was here with his brother, though he didn't seem to want to be. How could he? He was only nine.

But still, the nine-year-old watched as Cleo came into the room, dressed in the same ensemble as she was when they first met her at the border between the Cagny Forest and Lake Iris. Cleo knew he was, too, turning her narrowed gaze to him.

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