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Hey y'all.

This author's note don't have much purpose to it, and I'm just not feeling well these past couple of day's, not physically, but mentally, so I want to use this platform that I have to express how I've been feeling.

You may skip if you want, cause nobody wants to sit around, and read this whole page of just some random girl ranting about problems.

So, as you all know, the world is going crazy.

I'm going to talk about an sensitive subject, George Floyd.

I'm sure you all know what's happening and what's going on, and if you don't, stop reading and turn on the news, go on Instagram and Twitter to see for yourself.

Wattpad is supposed to be an safe environment for people to express how they feel, so I'm doing that, right now.

Look, I don't live in the US, so I don't take as much part of this as the people do live in US dose.

I'm going to be real for a second, humanity is ugly, it always have been, I'm 14 and I already know that cause of the current situation we suffer from HK, we have a similar situation, but we don't have much people who support what we are doing.

Cause all the grown ups think we are doing this just to be rebellious, but we are actually doing this because we are trying to fight for our own rights, our freedom, my parents are one of those grown ups, and I don't care.

George Floyd is a different case, he is being pressed to the ground while an officer is cutting off his air supply, while he is being pinned helplessly to the ground, also telling said officer that 'I can't breath', and then you all know what happened next, this travels back to the opinions people have on the black community, this is some messed up shit, and I know it.

They are treating him differently because he's black, and that is seriously down right disgusting, that officer is an horrible human being and he is one of the worst creation the god has bring to the earth, along with all of the other people who think racism is right.

People shouldn't have to fight for the right to be treated humanely, we are all humans, it has nothing to do with your skin tone, we all have feelings, we all have a beating heart and all of that, we are just the same in every kind of way, so for that white officer to choke George Floyd to death, it's just not right, at all.

It really makes me sick to my stomach to think about how people are treating one another these days, it doesn't matter if the guy's a criminal, there are still more civilized ways to deal with things, and he's not even trying to fight back, he's literally using his last breath to tell the officer that he is choking him to death, that he can't breath!

So I'm just angry about the whole situation to say the least.

Also, since the George Floyd incident happened, people have taken upon themselves to fight for black lives, and I 100 percent support that, heck! If I weren't living in HK, I'll probably go and join the fucking protest, cause this is not an problem that will go unnoticed.

And for me being in HK, I know what that feels like, many people don't know what's happening in HK, so please and go and educate yourself in this matter, cause people have been killed, real gunshots have been fired, girls have been assaulted by male cops, and they can't even defend themselves, cause of the 'law', and if you are an teenager walking pass a cop, you'll probably pulled away from the crowd, and maybe he'll beat you up, and search your body, cause they think teenagers are the only people who are protesting, and we lost some true legends that are way too young to die.

It's all very heartbreaking and overwhelming for an 14 year old to digest, but this is what the world has come to.

The freedom that we once knew, and we once cherished are being ripped out of our hands, and we can't do shit about it, sure we protested, we let the whole city know what's going on, but still, it seems like we still lost the battles.

So, seeing people in other worlds, fighting back and speaking their minds, telling other people that it is not okay to treat another human being like that, gives me the slightest hope that humanity is not completely trash.

Cause after a year of trying to fight for our freedom, and seeing no light to it, it's hard not to let your spirit go away.

So I'm just here to say I'm really proud of the US nation for fighting back, and not let this just be another closed case and no more questions.

Black lives matter, all lives matter, treat people how you wanted to be treated, treat them with respect, no matter who they are, cause at the end of the day, we are all humans.

That's all I wanted to say, now that I have get that off my chest, I feel much better.

I'm sorry if I made you feel sad or uncomfortable, I just really need to write it out, or else it would've just been bottlers up inside me.

If you did read, thanks for listening to what I've been feeling.

Thanks again, I'll see you all in a bit.

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