Chapter Five

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Fast-forward to ten years later, Seventy-Three had been cultivating and learning from Zhe Yan at the Ten Miles of Peach Blossom as his second master. Since moving there, the nightmares had stopped. Zhe Yan roughly recalled a moment where he had left the orchard momentarily only to return and find Seventy-Three surrounded by falling blossom petals, appearing to resemble fingers in the distance. It had been such a mesmerising scene as the petals fluttered above Seventy-Three, enveloping him. On a closer look, Zhe Yan found that Seventy-Three  was unconscious and had tried to rescue him, but a barrier had formed itself around Seventy-Three, preventing Zhe Yan from intruding further. When Zhe Yan tried to break down the barrier, he found himself unable to, due to the power of the protective magic surrounding the barrier. The magic clashed with Zhe Yan's own magic and caused a few of his trees to burst into flames. Zhe Yan had been left no choice but to retreat for the sake of his orchard.

When asked about the incident, Seventy-Three only answered that he had been drunk from sampling the wine he had been brewing and chosen to sleep under one of the peach blossom trees. When he awoke the next morning, he had seen the burnt trees and was unaware what had happened to the burnt trees the night before. Zhe Yan pretended to have no idea of what happened and suggested that the trees may have been struck by lightning, and asked Seventy-Three to replant the burnt trees instead. From this incident Zhe Yan was able to deduce that Seventy-Three's cultivation was very high, to be able to produce such powerful and devastating effects even when he was asleep, surpassing even the immortals of 'high god' rank in spite of his young age. However, on the surface, Seventy-Three had looked like any normal immortal.

Zhe Yan would tell Seventy-Three of the two beauties of the Bai family, who would often bother him from time to time

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Zhe Yan would tell Seventy-Three of the two beauties of the Bai family, who would often bother him from time to time. He would often tell stories of how mischievous the two were, and remind Seventy-Three  how lucky he was to be born in a different generation from him. Zhe Yan stated that had both beauties came to pester him at the same time, he would not have known how his orchard would have been turned out, with all the chaos that they brought along to him. Unknown to Zhe Yan, Seventy-Three was already plotting on how to meet the two beauties. He knew that he was considered a lowly immortal compared to the two beauties who were of royalty status, but he had been eager to see them for himself after hearing of Zhe Yan's tales about them. According to Zhe Yan, they were considered the first and second ranked beauties in the Four Seas and Eight Deserts, and no other female could match with their beauty.

In the decade that Seventy-Three lived in Zhe Yan's orchard, it was seldom visited by immortals, apart from Bai Zhen and his mount Bifang. Occasionally they would have a visit from the Second Prince of the West Sea. Seventy-Three had never got the chance to meet the beauties that Zhe Yan had told him about. Although Seventy-Three didn't know, but at this point, Bai Qian had returned to the Sky Kingdom with Ali, while leaving Qingqiu in the hands of Bai Zhi and the Bais, and Fengjiu was still in her slumber, occasionally visited by Zhe Yan to monitor her condition and prescribe further medication. Seventy-Three would also accompany Zhe Yan to send wine to other immortals as gifts when Zhe Yan saw fit. They had officially visited the West Sea and the Nether Realm. On his first sight of Seventy-Three, the Lord of the Underworld, Xie Guchou, had mistook him for Donghua due to the similar colour of his hair to that of Donghua, but Zhe Yan wasted no time in giving him an explanation and introduce Seventy-Three as the seventy-third disciple of Mo Yuan.

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