Chapter Twelve

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Message from ssf: Sorry for the late update! Have been busy with work and family! Appreciate your patience and support all this time!


With the help of Mo Yuan and Liansong, Wenchang had been occupied with repairing the pagoda for ten days. According to the High God, it would take sixty days to rectify the damage caused to the Sky Kingdom. Fortunately, they were able to rebuild as much as they could of the buildings and the surrounding structures, and substitute the potted plants and decorations, to prepare the Sky Kingdom for the upcoming celebration.

A custom order for a new selection of celestial scholarly robes had just arrived for Wenchang. Since his arrival to the immortal realm formerly as an apprentice and a disciple of the God of War, he had never worn any colour other than plain white. Prior to being sent to the Kunlun Mountains, his outfits as a young immortal mainly consisted of a little touch of pale blue on his white outer robe coupled with his white inner robes. The situation was different now, that he was the new lord of Taichen Palace and a royal celebration was coming up. To commemorate the coronation of the new Sky Emperor, Wenchang had decided to take up his old friend Siming's suggestion to not stick to his rigid choice of wearing only white, and introduce some new colours to his attire. As the goddess Weaving Lady (Zhi Nu) was away visiting her husband, the Cowherd, once a year, it had taken a longer time for his robe to be completed. Fortunately, Zhi Nu's apprentices, with their ample training, had been able to complete her unfinished work, before the given deadline. 

Among the robes that Wenchang received from Zhi Nu, there had been a variety of colours, namely blue, red, yellow, black, purple and pink. Wenchang set aside pink for Zhe Yan and randomly picked up the purple robe for himself. On his first impression, he felt a strong desire to wear that colour, as if that particular colour appealed to him. As he was trying on the robe, he heard a knock on the door.

"You may enter," Wenchang said. He realised how difficult it had been for him to don this purple robe, meant to be worn during occasions, as opposed to his plain white apprentice robes. The material of the robes had appeared to be more fragile and he had to be very careful while pulling the robe over his body, and furthermore, there had been so many layers. He wondered how he was going to take them off afterwards, without using magic. It was no small wonder that immortals tended to use magic at every opportunity they had. The handiwork of Zhi Nu's apprentices had been very exquisite, and each design on the robe had been very distinctive. 

Picture credited to the original poster on Weibo

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Picture credited to the original poster on Weibo.

Chong Lin pushed open the door and entered graciously. "My lord, High God Mo Yuan has called for your presence at the demon-sealing pagoda."  "I will go immediately," Wenchang said, and Chong Lin disappeared. As soon as he had finished dressing, he headed to the pagoda at once. Mo Yuan was indeed waiting at the pagoda, to which Wenchang greeted him politely, 'Master'. Upon seeing Wenchang approach, the God of War pointed to the repaired portion of the pagoda which had cracked earlier, and requested for Wenchang's assistance to test it with him, for any signs that it would crack again. 

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