Chapter Fourteen

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At the entrance to Fengjiu's fox den in Qingqiu, an expressionless Wenchang was seen carrying the unconscious queen in his arms. They were greeted by a concerned Migu, who quickly opened the door and escorted them into Fengjiu's chambers. Without wasting any time, the knowledgeable lord asked Migu to prepare hot water, a towel and a fire in the kitchen. Though it was their first time meeting, Migu had long known of Fengjiu's engagement to the younger lord, and did not question Wenchang's orders, performing as he was told to in a rush, while being careful in his actions due to his fear of fire.

After tending to Fengjiu's injuries and wrapping up her shoulder before covering her with a blanket, Wenchang left her in Migu's care and departed to the wilderness to collect medicinal herbs to further treat her injuries. Thanks to his lessons in herbalism that he had picked up from learning from Mo Yuan and Zhe Yan, and in addition to his studies in that department while he had been the mortal Zhang Ya, Wenchang was able to acquire as many ingredients as he could to create an antidote in the form of a herbal remedy to assist Fengjiu's quick recovery. 

Due to the toxins from the claws of the demon, Fengjiu had to rest for two days, while Wenchang would diligently feed her the antidote three times a day. In addition to oral medication, he would also use his healing spells to speed up her recovery. It was during this period of treating her injuries that it occurred to him that there was a scent of her body, which was as fragrant as the blooming peach blossoms from Zhe Yan's orchard. A smile spread across his face at the realisation of this fact about the beauty.

For two days and nights, he would watch her sleep while staying awake, fascinated by the beauty of the natural state of her face devoid of any makeup, along with the phoenix birthmark on her forehead that he had developed a special liking to. It was on one such occasion, that the inspiration to paint a portrait of her came to him, and so he recited an incantation, calling forth a magical brush along with ink colours and a piece of parchment, which materialised before him. Slowly, he poured every of his feeling of admiration for the queen into each stroke of the brush he made as he committed to put the beauty of her sleeping appearance to paper. As he completed the painting, he blew on it magically to dry it and folded it, placing it inside his sleeve.

Finally, on the third day following her brawl with the beast, Fengjiu finally regained consciousness. As Wenchang had expected, her refusal in allowing him to feed her the antidote was extremely strong. Even with his continuous persistence and explanation that it was needed for a quick recovery and that he meant well, she was unwilling to listen to him. Wenchang knew she was deliberately being obstinate and difficult with him in her efforts to push him away, and so, in his head he had already figured out a method for him to employ in dealing with her games. Since she wouldn't cooperate, he took a mouthful of the antidote in his mouth and before she knew it, his lips was on hers, force-feeding her the antidote from his mouth to hers with one playful kiss. Feeling his tongue meet with hers, an enraged Fengjiu slapped him as hard as she could with one quick movement of her hand. 

"What do you think you're doing?" she shouted furiously. 

"Feeding the patient her medicine," Wenchang said nonchalantly. "Until the patient gets her right dosage, that is how the physician will feed her bit by bit, since she refuses to cooperate."

Fengjiu raised her hand to slap him again at the audacity of his words, but Wenchang was faster, and swiftly he held her down on her bed and transferred more of the antidote into her mouth with another kiss, before releasing her. Feeling subdued, Fengjiu's cheeks reddened and she quickly turned away from him, embarrassed that this person who had yet to marry her, had already kissed her twice. "Fine, we'll have it your way," she said after about a few minutes of silence, and turning around hastily, grudgingly grabbed the antidote on the table and downed the bitter liquid in an instant. 

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