Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Lyrid materialised to where Altria was standing. That was no child, he thought. He sensed malicious energy lurking in the air. His judgment turned out to be correct when he tossed a few spells towards the 'child' and it transformed into a sea monster.  Altria was gradually losing her consciousness from the shock she had just gone through, but at the same time, her body was warded with a circular barrier, no other than the scabbard of his sword, which he had used to protect her from harm when she had fallen down the immortal punishment platform. The barrier formed a perfectly round bubble containing Altria, which floated on the surface of the water, settling in the middle. 

He ascended into the air and faced the sea monster fearlessly. His next action had been to bring up his Canghe sword to deal a blow to the monster, and miraculously, it had multiplied to form seventy-three more sword images, ready to strike the monster. Upon his call, the multitude of sword images accurately hit the monster in a single blast. Since the monster was vanquished, it had shapeshifted back into its original form, the dijiang. With a tap of his fingers, he imprisoned the monster in a magical cube and summoned a great blue whale-shark to deliver the beast to Liansong and Yehua, to be returned to the evil-sealing pagoda in the Sky Kingdom. The whale-shark swallowed the cube and immediately vanished.

Lyrid walked calmly on the surface of the water. Fortunately, it was early in the morning and no mortals were around to witness the amazing spectacle before them, otherwise they would have died of shock. He stopped right at the middle of the water and picked up Altria, putting her over his shoulder and carried her to the seashore. As he lay her on one of the beach mats left behind by the resort's many tourists, he looked down at the unconscious woman and attempted to give her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. All of a sudden, he noticed that her breathing had returned, and she coughed up a little bit of water. He quickly rushed her to the nearest clinic, which was conveniently located five minutes away from the resort.

The mouth-to-mouth resuscitation had brought back memories to his mind of him as Wenchang feeding Fengjiu with the antidote, and he recalled the sweet taste of her lips. Her lips had tasted a little salty from all the salt water, but it was on the overall sweet. After examining her, the physician informed Lyrid that Altria needed some rest as she had been traumatised and fatigued from her ordeal earlier. She confirmed that otherwise, Altria was fine. Lyrid had simply informed the physician that she had her ankle caught on a log underwater and had almost drowned.


Piano (Waiting for her)

Back at the resort, it was already night-time when she got up from her sleep. Since the physician had recommended more rest for Altria, Lyrid had been taking care of her for hours since the dijiang encounter. But now, he had strangely disappeared. Men, she thought. He was probably in his room playing mobile games on his smartphone. And now, she was starving, as she could hear her stomach rumbling. She grabbed one of the clubbing outfits her cousin had packed for her and threw it on.

She recalled that the resort had a restaurant on the seventeenth floor that would serve meals at any time of the day. To get to the seventeenth floor, she needed to use the premium access escalator at the lobby downstairs, to which the lady at the front desk reception area of the lobby would issue her a special VIP pass for her to access. The premium access zone restaurant served delicacies from all over the world, and she craved for something tasty to fill up her empty stomach. It also had a dance floor.

She found Lyrid playing a song on the piano in the lobby as he was waiting for her, and she was enamoured by his musical skills. 


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