Chapter Twenty-Six

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Just who is this lady who looks so much like me?

Albeit she was shocked by the similarity of the woman lying on the bed before her, Altria still ventured closer to have a second look. The person shared the exact birthmark with her, and every single facial feature had resembled that of her own. Carefully she stretched her hand forward to touch the body curiously, wanting to know if it was real. When she touched the body of the woman, a surprise had greeted her.

She saw the birthmark of the woman glowing red, and at the same time, her own birthmark also glowed red. She felt a strange warmth penetrate her own body, and then, the feeling of her soul entering the body on the bed. Altria's body had dematerialised and her soul had entered the body on the bed making the two of them one, but she was unaware of what had just happened as she had lost consciousness. When she came to, she found herself on the bed and Lyrid was hovering over her. There was no sign of the lady that had looked so much like her. Had it been a dream? And yet, it had felt so real.

She looked down at her own clothes and realised they were the same clothes that she had been wearing when she had entered the room, so she didn't feel bothered that anything had happened while she had been out cold. Of course, Lyrid had used a simple spell to transform the robes that Fengjiu had been wearing to an exact replica of what Altria was wearing. 

"Ly, I think I saw a woman here earlier.... Somehow she just looked like me..." Altria said while tugging on Lyrid's sleeve, while exhibiting a slight interest in the woman described. Lyrid only smiled, and then she continued to ask about the woman. Lyrid calmly replied that there was no other woman in his mansion other than her and asked if she had been dreaming.

Perhaps it was a dream after all? Altria thought. Then, she recalled the truck accident, and quickly to waste no time, she asked him if he had saved her and if he was the purple-robed god she would dream about. Knowing that she would not give up on asking the question until she had her answer, Lyrid took her to the balcony of his mansion for some fresh air.

He had a hint of the issues that were on her mind. Firstly, the truck incident had revealed who he was to her, and heaven's secrets were not supposed to be revealed. It was a rule in the immortal realm. Secondly, she was troubled by the drunken kissing incident that she had been trying to look for a new job. He had observed this from her disinterest to work these days and upon surfing the internet, he discovered that she had been active on a forum that advertised job vacancies and that she had left a message on some boards that she was interested in the positions offered. It didn't take him long to track her IP address and find that it was her, furthermore she wasn't very creative with her username and had selected alxzy614 as a name. At the same time, he had also noticed how distant she had been with him apart from liaising with him for work reasons. When he called out to her, she would often avoid him and pretend that she hadn't heard him.

At the balcony, Altria noticed that Lyrid had a very nice set-up where they could chill and relax while listening to the waves, as his home was located not far from the sea

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At the balcony, Altria noticed that Lyrid had a very nice set-up where they could chill and relax while listening to the waves, as his home was located not far from the sea. 

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