Chapter Eighteen

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With her tear-streaked face, Fengjiu was sitting on the carpeted floor of the Taichen Palace, aimlessly looking at the plain ceiling of the palace, while being watched carefully by the kind steward. All of a sudden, the majestic door of the bedroom was flung open with extreme force. As she hastily stood to greet him, the Dijun  stared at her with a stoic look on his face and suddenly said to her, "Follow me".  Although Fengjiu was still a little lightheaded from all the crying earlier, she did as ordered.

Her mind was filled with questions and at the same time, she sensed an unfamiliar aura arising from the Dijun himself. His voice had seemed to have changed slightly, yet his facial expression was as unemotional as it had been the last time she had seen him. She cast aside her concerns  that his voice had been slightly different. After all, what mattered was he was back. Even her voice would get hoarse from too much shouting or crying. She hurried to follow him, consumed by her desire and excitement to talk to him. Her emotions were swirling around in her head wildly despite her dizziness. 

While she had followed the Dijun all the way from Taichen Palace to the unknown destination he was taking her in the Sky Kingdom, none of them had said a single word. After over sixty thousand years of not seeing him, twenty thousand of which she had been sleeping, she didn't know where to start in their conversation. She just wanted to see him again, even if it meant that this would be the ending between the two of them. She firmly understood what had been the price of defying fate after all this while, and if it meant that he would be safe without being with her, she would resign herself to this fate. She was glad he was alive and well, and she was ready to let go of any hope of being with him if that meant he would live.

She noticed that during the long walk, the Dijun had been stopping to take a few glances of her as they had walked and she had stopped to catch her breath. She looked around at the fragrant lotus flowers dominating the area as they walked past, and wondered where the Dijun was taking her in such a rushed manner.

Finally the Dijun stopped just next to the Immortal Punishment Platform, located just before Yehua's Xiwu Palace. This was the very platform that Bai Qian had leapt down from when she was Su Su, after being tricked by Sujin that jumping down from the platform would return her to the mortal realm. Fengjiu was clueless why Donghua would take her to the platform, but then she recalled the platform was located next to the Rock of Three Incarnations. Maybe, he had a solution to remove his name from the Rock, she thought positively.

The Dijun reached out to her with his open palms. She presumed that even after this long while, he still had feelings for her, and she willingly gave him her hands. "Come," he said in a soft and calm voice. As he took her hands in his, she asked him, "Dijun, where have you been?" He led her slowly to the platform, and she looked at him queerly, but went with him. She repeated her question, thinking that he might have not heard her words earlier.

Instead of answering her question, a sarcastic smile instead played across the purple-robed immortal's lips, and in a flash, he attempted to push her down the opening of the platform. However, she resisted the immortal's push, with her feet firmly affixed to the ground, and recited a magical incantation. Years of cultivation and swordsmanship had improved her physical and mental abilities and even when she was emotionally affected, she was very perceptive. On the other hand, she was stumped that her own lover had tried to push her down the platform. Was this her punishment for trying to defy fate? Was he now taking his pain out on her, due to him suffering the calamity for having provoked him into submission that fateful night? But, she had been punished too, hadn't she been? She had suffered, just as he had.

"Dijun, stop it! It's me!" she cried out, as she called for her sword to materialise before her. "I'm your Jiu'er!"

The purple-robed immortal just laughed insanely.

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