Monday- 1/6/2020 🏳️‍🌈

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It's pride month! So here's to everyone out there who is gay or bi or any other gender or sexuality I did not mention because I don't really know much about that. Anyways, this morning I woke up and checked my discord. book has gotten published into the Roblox library! Yeah!!!! So what was I going to do today? I had actually planned to write a border line LGBTQ skit for both male and female but then I was like...would they even like it? Then I said to myself...this is Wattpad. And decided to write it. lol Also, I decided it should be a choose your own characters story. Also, thank you all for reading this! It's currently still ranking first in checkpoint out of a wow! massive amount of other books...4.1k books!!!!

Short note on who is who in the brackets so you all know. You can be either a girl or a boy, that's totally your choice. Fill in those blanks with names, places, words or literally anything because it's a 'your choice' story.

- (F/N) Friend's name

- (Y/N) Your name

Yeah, I think that's all, let's begin!!

I look in the mirror. My hair is a mess. I comb it with my hands but the tangles don't come out. I'm supposed to meet ______ (friend's name) in an hour. He/she said they would be picking me up at 3.30pm sharp. I just woke up.

"[Your character says a swear word, you choose what you want you to say]" I swear as I hear my mom calling me down.

"______(your name)!! Your friend is here."

I hurriedly tug on some shorts [What type? Your choice.] and rush downstairs, fixing my hair in the process. Why did I have to be born with [hair type] hair? I see my mom and (F/N) standing at the doorway.

Oh god, what was my mom saying to her/him? I hope it's not anything embarrassing, the small smile on ______'s face tells me otherwise. (friend's name)

"Hey, ______ (friend's name)." I say, waving at him/her.

"Hi ______ (your name), you look good." She/he replies me but before I even get the change to reply my mom interrupts us.

"So boys/girls/both of you, where are you both off to?" She smiles, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Well," said _______ (friend's name). "We were just heading down to the Pride Month's carnival down by the boardwalk."

"I trust you there, but not really ______ (your name). Just make sure she/he doesn't fall into the sea." My mom said, embarrassing me and making ______ look a little uneasy.

(I won't give that bracket anymore because it's really annoying to type in. Enjoy the story!)

"Mom!" I nudge her a little. "Stop it. You're scaring ______."

She just gives me an evil chuckle. I groan and walk over to ______'s side. "Well," ______ say's. "We should really get going. Thank you Mrs. ______ (your surname or whatever people call your mom)." ______ and I depart for his/her car, ______ calling the driver's seat before I could and we drove downtown to the carnival.

"Did you tell your parents yet?" He/she asks me while parking the car.

"No, I'm kind of scared of what she would say if I told her that. It's really not as easy as you said it was.

(Eeeeeeeee I'm so sorry it wasn't published oml I totally forgot about this. I'm sorry. Please forgive me)

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