Sunday- 28/6/2020

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And yes it's now Sunday. Yesterday's post was a little late but I posted it. My shoulders are still aching from yesterday but what can I do? Today is also by passed on grandad's birthday so we are going to the grave... again. Then after that I've got ballet zoom. And after that...

I'm not going to the grave. Anyways, just saying in advance. Next month is Julance!!! I'm going to be doing Klance au's and stuff. Rephrasing yesterday's question. My favourite male anime characters are actually Keith. I'm pretty sure Voltron is an anime because the original one is. But then I'll f it isn't then it's Haru. So today's challenge: favourite opening. No. 7 from Toilet bound. You should watch toilet bound it's quite nice. Very good as a matter of fact. Anyways. Imma go eat lunch. <1.20pm>

I hope we reach 1k reads by the end of next month. Okay. So here's something. If we reach 1k reads by next month I'll work on part 10 for the league. Also, my computer died this morning and when we charged it it wouldn't turn back on. So I'm currently using my dad's mac. I don't think it'll ever turn back on. I think it might be the new charger. But then now I can't zoom on my computer and all the other computers have important accounts on them. This is bad. Not just brush it off bad but very very bad. I'm thinking of asking my parents for a new computer for christmas. Because I don't think they would get me one because mine doesn't work. All I can say is: this is very bad and idk what to do. <2.18pm>

But it not turning on is not the worst problem. The worst part is... what will happen to all my story notes and school assignments I did on word. They would all be gone!!!! *screams* OMG. Why did it happen to me of all people?!? I'm blaming it on the charger. *screams again* OMG. My story notes and ideas. Worst yet: MY ENGLISH NARRATIVE!!!! *screams and runs away* OMG goodbye world. I'm DOOMED. Doomed. Aaaaaaaa! *cries* Idk what to do now. I tecnically can't do anything. This is the worst. I'm going to go eat ice cream because it helps with sadness. Mostly because I haven't even finished my lunch. Yeap. Good bye. This is the end of the road. We must part ways because of this death. Sayonara amici. See you all in heaven. 

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