Tuesday- 30/6/2020

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So let's start with today's question:
Am I going to enter the Wattys 2020?

I honestly don't know. Unless I suddenly conjure up a cool book then yes but I don't have any finished book or any ideas so no. Probably not. This book would finish by the end of this year so maybe I'll submit it next year. Then I'll also (hopefully) finish the league by next year so that too. And then I'm thinking of rewriting my other book. The one I lost interest in because someone ruined my imagination by butting in almost every second of the day. I only let them read my book because they were my friend, or so I thought. But all in all, no I'm not submitting anything for the Wattys. It's sad and I really wanted to but it's not finished and there's always next year.

Moving on!!!

Today's challenge:
A quote from any anime character:

"It works better if you don't try as hard, just like in real life."
-Nagisa Hazuki-

That's it everyone. The theater is not closed for now. Come back later because this is taking time to write and I want to go shower. <9.24am>

Welcome back from the short interval break. Now it's 11.43am and it's math. I'm thinking of buying a limited face avatar. But yeah, I'm still broke as ever (because I always am). Did I mention I was going to re-form the whole 'Children of Tiger Villa' yet? Well if I didn't then here are some aspects I'm going to change:

1) They ride bikes not horses.
2) The other boy in the story is going to have an illness he can't recover from.
3) The main's cousin has a older brother.
4) They live closer together, except for that sick boy who lives in the hills or sth.
5) In the end, the main leaves forever.
6) I'm getting too ambitious and wanting a second book.
7) One of their adventures are getting lost and ending camping out under the stars.
8) Fiction? But definitely no more magical powers and voodoo man.
9) No more blonde Liliana because I want her hair to be brown.
10) Re-do the whole plot because the last one is just messed up. (Emphasis on messed-up)

And yes, I just got message of someone trying to decode the Morse code. I'm still learning Morse so it's kind of crappy and unreadable. But soon I'll get better at it. Just like the Year 5 code. You did't have to decode it because you don't have to know what I said.

Anyways, how our story is currently going most of this was typed when I was asleep so I'm not participating or in it rn. Here it is anyways:

Just for reference to clear up confusion:
- Prince: Joshua
- Adventurer: Andrew

(Joshua is a very cheeky boi)  Andrew's face grew hot. He turned away so the prince didn't see him blush. But Josh had already seen his face redden.

(omg i love the gayness here) "Aww, are you blushing?" Josh asked.

"No-!" Andrew said, still blushing.

(I love the gayness too)

Josh just chuckled and decided to talk to him about it later. "We should prepare our horses now, what should we bring on this adventure?"

"Food. I'm bring lots of food. I'm always hungry. What will you bring?" Andrew asked.

"It depends on you, Andrew." He dipped his head towards Andrew, his eyes suggestive. "What do you fancy?"

(was about to say ass to that)

(pls no)

Yes that's all. Now, currently I just had some sort of hunch or sth like a prediction. Butterfly clips. I haven't read the response yet but I think I may be right. Or wrong, who knows. Just a hunch, gut feeling. I'm gonna go shower then get to chores. <8.01pm>

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