Wednesday- 22/7/2020

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So I'm doing a challenge I have given to myself. I'm not touching games or my phone or YouTube for two weeks. If I can survive it then I'm not myself anymore. And it starts today because today would probably be the hardest to keep away. So yeah. Wish me luck and I'll be back in two weeks. Ily all <3

Anything, Watsapp it. Or if not... idk. It's a challenge. Anyways. Ciao amici and actually... I would be contactable through discord except not always. Because my mod apps are in and I have to be active. So yeah😗😗 Ciao.

Julance prompt: athlete au

Lance POV all the way ;P

It was time. Tension was in the air. Everywhere. I could smell it. As I walked in single file. My enemies around me. Closer towards the starting line. Opposing teams cheered for the other athletes. There were only three athletes at out stand because coach only took 8 of us to competition. I feel sweat trickle down my forehead, down my cheek and jumping off my chin. I feel the track underneath my shoe. My spikes in hand.


I have given up. UwU
Anyways, now I'm aspiring to become my dad's company's CEO. Because he's founder and CEO so he said he wanted a CEO. I shall learn and take over by the end of this year... 😗😗
The I have experience. Then life would be easier next time. Out in the real world. We need experience to be hired. I have learnt that from all my hr applications. Which I failed every one of them. I'm going to have to think about my resume. I can't believe I'm thinking about that when I'm only 14. Experience. Also, I was thinking of going to Bridges for my Year 10, 11 and or 12 then go to Stanford or sth. But it's a draft as always. Maybe. If I'm big brained enough. But anyways, I did a drawing. But somehow can't upload it... wait... I just uploaded it onto the top of the entry. I don't want to touch it anymore or else I'd destroy it.

Anyways, my challenge starts tomorrow. My smol brain is going to explode because I can't google translate for BM.

Nix just found his mate... a stray cat. It's qt tho. It ran away. He's a crazy cat person. Jess is saying she's Libra. Mat is Pisces. Nix is Leo. Hiimi is Gemini. Who knows abt the others. I'm making birthday cards.

Eee anyways, I'm going to sleep. It's not even 9pm but I'm just gonna try to sleep. Nite nite. See you all in two weeks.... Updates for this book every night so I'm not actually going away. I'm just torturing myself by restricting leisure time or activities. I'm going to focus on my book I'm writing and adapt to my new timetable. Also. Tomorrow. Say hi to myself... reformed. I'm going to have to adapt to the living conditions of version 7. Goodbye V6. All three years of memories... fade with time. Say hello to new memories. Goodnight everyone <3

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