Monday- 10/8/2020

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Morning peeps.

So............. next week is school. Like real, real physical school. I'm not excited in any way. I'm pretty kind of sad I guess. As if on queue, the 'time of the month' cramps come back. I'm dying in a way... but I can stand it. Pain is good sometimes...

Our neighbor, who is also Alex's classmate got a dog. It's a beagle puppy and Jayden, Alex's classmate, can't control the small thing. It's pulling him and his brother around like the dog is the boss. Then Jayden comes and asks me, "How do you get your dog to obey you and follow you like that?"

1) My dog is trained and has been through the consequences when she would be bad.

We trained her well. She's a guard dog. She almost ripped some fur off our other neighbor's poodle who was attacking me and Alex. (Very funny story.) She protects us. And keeps the chickens from flying on my dad's cars and from going out of the house. She obeys well and is a good dog I guess?

2) She knows her name: Shadow, named by our 22 year old cousin.

Call her and she will come.

Besides, his dog is a puppy. It won't follow because pups have minds of their own. Shadow's a grown dog. (Jayden tried to copy me by riding a bike while walking his dog, Droopy, and failed miserable when the pup went it's own way.)
Don't ride a bike while holding your dog's leash and walking your dog unless you can control the poor thing. Otherwise you could either...

a) Run your dog over by your bike

b) Fall off your bike because you and your dog aren't going to go the same way

c) Totally humiliate yourself when your dog suddenly stops and won't move.

d) All results can make you physically or mentally injured. So do not try it if you and your dog aren't on the same page.

I have to go... <10.26am>

Okay I'm back. Cramps feel like my lower stomach is getting repeatedly stabbed and ripped apart. (lower stomach. lol there's no such thing. Below your stomach is your intestines...and below that are-)

Whatever. Don't mind that.


I'm bored. And feel really dead.

I can't even sit still. One second I'm sitting down, the next, kneeling on the chair, then the next, I'm standing far away from my chair. I really hate cramps. The uncomfortable sitting begins. I'm going to go sit on the couch.

I ended up going upstairs with much effort and unfolding my other bed and curling up and not moving. Nice.

So now I'm on the couch. I feel weak and fatigued. And even watching anime or playing Minecraft helps. 😓😓😓
I'm going to go now and try reading a book or sth. 😓😓😓

Alright!!! After school I had managed to stumble across YouTube and began to watch 'It's me or my dog'. And my mind was captured and the cramps vanished. Finally. Then I went outside for some exercise and yeah. So the picture below is my sister and I... our mansion in the building. That's the frame of the entrance of the house. Then at the—

Nope! You thought I was gonna explain on how the build is going to be like but I'm not... for suspense purposes. 😗😗


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