Saturday- 27/6/2020

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Yes, I got the date and day for yesterday's entry wrong. An accident. But I'm back and it's now almost 6.30pm. Yuuki and my sister and I and Mr. William went to saradise. We met this guy that used to go to school with us, Nico. He still owes Yuuki one dollar. He's home schooled. He's turning 13. He's a year slower in his studies. He's ok I guess. Anyways, today's challenge which you all can probs guess because it's sort of similar to yesterday's question. Favourite male character:
Easy. Haru.

Anyways, when I told Clement I didn't like poetry yesterday I actually meant it. Then at midnight I wrote a poem. Two actually. So some of you may be asking: why are you even going to the chiropractor?

Well, my sister's spine is... well it's bent. And her posture is... well it's bad. And her legs... well she doesn't stand properly. That's why we go there. But then for me... we'll I have a flat foot so there's a lot of calcium deposit in my foot and they need to remove it. Yes it hurts but think of it as pain tolerance training. And sometimes when I train too hard the chiropractor says my calves are too tense and then she gets out her torture machine. Yes you probably get it. Also, she told my mom my shoulders are too stiff and it's because of stress but then my mom was like this:


And then I'm like:
Bad posture?!?!? Whatdoyoumean?!?!? Look at Alex, she doesn't have it and her posture is worst than mine. Why always me?!?!?

So yes. Last year, before Christmas we visited the place and I cried. And my sister laughed at me. Then early this year she cried and I didn't say anything. Just as long as I don't stress and my mom doesn't keep yackimg I'll be fine. Do you want to hear my poem? I'm sure you all do but it's going into the library before you guys get it. It's a vent poem.

All that's left to do is to make Mr_Skelletor level 25 so he can hold onto my skelle's. Tips and tricks on levelling up super fast in Dragon Adventures:
1) Tonnes of carrots. Cheap and more xp than apples.
2) Stay at your base and just keep harvesting.
3) So it for 30 minutes everyday and in around a week you'll be level 25.
4) Reaching level 35 allows you to trade eggs.
5) You can also farm levels in Grasslands
Ez. I quoted 'you'.

Ryan is also not answering our text messages. Does he really sleep in during the afternoons? My sister is having a karaoke party by herself in the shower. Yeet. Imma go take a bath. <6.50pm>

And I'm back from dinner and all. Welcome to the second half of the entry! So today I will tell you guys about my amazing deal I had made with my sister yesterday. She wanted me to get something for her but was too lazy to so I said if I got it for her (since it was upstairs)she would have to take down our laundry until her birthday which is in August. She agrees and now it's all good. She don't know what to say to you guys. This entry probably sucks. I also realise how I suck at making friends. I also realised how I suck at making conversation. Eehhh. She m going to leave you all so you don't have to read this lame entry. Honestly, let me list down some types of people I don't like. And then list down some types of people I like because otherwise it would get boring. These are all true and I'm not looking at any of you because this is for conversation purposes not because you did something wrong and I'm unhappy because you did. Same goes to all who read this.

- People who tell me what to do
- People who hate my guts but act as if they like me
- People who are disloyal, untrustworthy and lies about things
- People who don't have your back when you need them
- People who backstab and are double faced
- People who you can't count on

- People who respect you
- People that don't judge
- People who you can count on

Yeet that's all. The negative outweighs the positive. I'm just going to type out my poem because why not? But only the first one I wrote. Both of the two dedicated to someone but if I told you their names you wouldn't know them. I don't know them. At least  I only know the surface but not what's beneath the iceberg. Whatever. The poem by me, the person who isn't poetic and hates poetry.

I don't know why you bring it up again
And make things worst.
I thought we had settled it
And made that deal.
Do you just like to start fights?
To see me frustrated?
Is it that or is it your jealousy
Getting in the way?
You confide in me because you know
I'm never going to tell.
But what about me?
I could never say a word.
I still can't because you'd tell.
Spill my secrets like the rumours
I was kept away from.
It's your emotions that drives you,
Isn't it?
You said so yourself.
You only told on me because
You were jealous.
And now you question why I don't feel green?
That's because I swore to never
Feel such a disgusting feeling.
Can't you see you're
Not in my shadow?
You're special in your own way.
You just have to find it.
You're not me
And can't ever be me.
Be you.
I don't see how hard it could be.
I will help guide you.
I always have.
Whatever you have was the essentials
supplied by me.
You created them into your own.
Just promise me.
When you decide to bite the hand that once fed you,
Never ever forget who
Put you there in the first place.
Who supplied you
With the essentials you didn't have.
The exact ones you used
to build your empire.
Just promise me that you,
Never forget the person who put you up there.

A round of applause please. That was some poetry. No rhymes because I hate them. Mer-yeet. I dedicated that to someone I know. Idk why I even say that. My other poem is way way too easy to guess who the person I'm dedicating it to is so I'm not going to actually show it to you all. Because then you'll know and you'll be mad at me because you will. Even though you're not mad yet, you will be. And then... goodnight readers and see you tomorrow.

Don't forget to vote, comment and add this book to your reading list. Also don't forget to check out my other books because they're quite good.

(Somehow my language teacher is calling me 'Kenji' because SOMEONE wrote it down in their script and now Teacher is calling me Kenji. Just great)


Okay, let's make a deal. Once we hit 1.5k reads I shall share with you all my other poetry piece by me, that person who is not poetic and hates poetry. Ikr. And you're wondering, why even write poetry? That's a secret not meant for anyone. I will tell you... one day, some day, not today. (Do not steal my one day, some day, not today because it's mine. No quoting it!! I will not allow it)

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