Monday- 13/7/2020

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Good morning amici. So today is the second last day of this entry... although, there is a chance we get locked down again but I hope not. And hope to. But then I hope not and then I hope to. It's mixed up feelings.

Anyways, I woke up this morning and my hair felt weird on my pillow... mostly because it's short now. I'm still braiding it for school and tying a green or red or blue ribbon on it. My hair feels so fuzzy it's so mesmerising to touch aaaa. And I have finally known what a shaver feels like... on my head. Because we shaved some of my hair off. And then cut the rest off. But anyways... I'm going to go and shower and change and do up my hair and then head on down for breakfast and class... addio amici <8.59am>

This is it... the end of my writing career... it's all over until I find more inspiration. Other than that, it's over. I'm still leaving this book even though the MCO has been extended. It's still the end. I think I can survive. Maybe... all I know is that I'm going back into my small shell until I find more inspiration. Or maybe I can just transform ideas into stories... alright, new quest: Find inspiration.
I'll ask a series of questions so you guys have to answer and I'll answer it too so it's fair.

First question:
A dream you had, it doesn't matter what it is. Comment your answer please.

I transformed mine already and it was about shooting then the main character and the other character get separated and then a few months later they get reunited. No details here because I'm just too lazy and want to go shower. Tbh, don't answer this question. I'm just going to give up writing. It wasn't really going to become my job anyways, I did it for fun. Nothing's meant to last. I always say that to myself.

Here's something I learnt from the track:
You are alone. Have few close friends. Some may betray you. Then you'd fall down again. People you don't know might do you some good. The best should team up. A small misstep could cause failure. Then you'd lose all over again. Only the best of the best win. No amount of natural talent beats hard work. Train hard, play hard, win every time. You only have one shot. If you lose then that's it. You're done. Go home and never come back.
Or maybe... you are not alone. You've always got your team with you who would stay be your side till the end whether you win or lose. They won't judge you for your misstep or laugh at you. They are family. Till the end. All the way. They'll always be there for you. You're part of a team.

So yeah. Here was my sports achievement I wanted this year:

You see that 200m? This year was supposed to be Girls C to break the great Dana River's long standing record in the paper

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You see that 200m? This year was supposed to be Girls C to break the great Dana River's long standing record in the paper. But you see... I just lost that chance and next year, I'm in Girls B which means I only have one chance to get that record. Which means I can never show everyone how good I am and break Dana's record.

(For the record... Dana is my idol without a doubt. Her and her sister Emma. Once at sports day last year Emma told me our coach was looking for me I basically was like, "Oh mi gosh she knows who I am!!!!! *screams*" and then when she congratulated me for winning the relay with my team I could t get over it for three whole days. Also, Dana has gone to the state competition. But it wasn't for sprinting, it was for taekwondo. Because she figured it would take her further than sprinting would. But still!!!)

Anyways, Grace is basically mean. She's mean okay. Sure she's chill and all. But she raced me to see how fast I was in training. And in training I don't give 100% at all. Never. Then she called me slow behind my back. Like what the heck man? That's just mean. But please don't tell her I said this.
Then do you see Girls B? The competition is basically 1 while second slower and even worst, my coach wants me to break the 400m record for Girls B too. So that means I'd have to train hard. Super heck stamina. Do planks for 30 minutes instead of 30 seconds.
Anyways all I'm saying is that it's going to be a challenge to get the trophy. Because this year would have been a breeze without fail. I could just walk the track and get gold. Honestly, I don't try for sports day, ever. When you saw Estelle get second, it was by a long shot. And I didn't even try okay. I thought I'd have the whole year to prepare to break Dana's record... then the next year to break the other girls record. Then I'd become a legend. Having my record forever in the pages of that tiny printed out booklet. An un breakable record. But no. The world is just stopping it. Fate is horrible. It's mean. It's cruel. But it can't stop me. I'll train hard now and then skip final exams again when we go for the big sports open in the neighbouring city. (I hear my classmate Ah Hua was there for most of the MCO. It's his hometown.)
Then if I win, I'd get a check of bills. And then I would feel proud of myself finally. Like I was worthy instead of always feeling worthless. Also, referring back to that picture, you see the name Matthew? Yes, that's my awesome coach! His time for 400m is insane I tell you. I do wonder if he got anywhere with a time like that. Compared to the times at sports day, you can win inside of school with a time of 34 for 200m but you'd be eliminated during your first race and that's bad. Its worst than bad. If you past your first race and make it to the finals, you have a chance. You can claw your way towards the top. You can make it. A slim chance yes, but you could make it. Like for the boys, my friend William, he's got a time of 15s for the 100m and gets first by such a long shot. Those other guys aren't even close to him. He goes outside school, first round... he gets LAST.
Dedication. Patience. And hard work. That's all it takes. Nothing more. Put your heart into your work and see the end results. So I'll work hard. Until I reach the top. No one will see me coming. Because I'm an underdog, I always get last during the finals. But then when I suddenly emerged and took home the gold? No one expected it, not even me. So yeah. All I'm saying is, watch your back wherever you go. Things sneak up on you whenever you don't expect it. Anyways, this is it, I'm going to sleep. And I'm going to ask you something tomorrow or later because I need some advice on that kind of thing.

So, goodnight amici. Sweet dreams. Please tell me one of your dreams because I need some inspiration. If you need to talk then just go for it. Feel free to live life to the fullest and I hope you learnt some sort of lesson while reading this entry.

Another lesson which I taught another fellow author about is that to never ever diet. Diet is technically to die with a t. So never diet. I'll explain more tomorrow. Goodnight <3


Random things all signs do when they read zodiac posts:

All signs:
Looks for their zodiac. *reads*
Scrolls down to find their fren/crushes zodiac *reads*
Scroll through the rest not even reading the rest.

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