Monday- 6/7/202

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Alright. Morning. So today I have to finish my English narrative. It's gonna be a challenge but I should be able to complete it without any distance. Besides when even is English? Ok last lesson lucky. I'm going to go and shower before my mom comes back to confiscate my phone again. Heheh. <8.08am>

Anyways, I woke up and turned my phone on... guess what? Someone turned it to light mode and I nearly got blinded. Especially when I opened Wattpad. The whole thing was blazing white I was like: Nope. Then I changed everything back to dark mode. Alright, alright, I'm going to shower now. <8.14am>

So I just got out of the shower and I unexpectedly had a bleeding nose in the middle of washing my face. Actually it was after that. Like after I washed the soap off then I felt some water on my lips. So I decided to taste the water because I'm weird that way. It was metallic and I was like... whot is this? This isn't water.... then I wiped the remaining 'water' off and my hand was all red. So yeah. I'm fine now tho. So no need for extra worries. Anyways, I'm going to go have breakfast and pumpkin juice. Then I'll bring up a topic. <8.43am>

Idk what that topic I had thought of was... anyways, now it's English. I can't believe I all capsed my classmate. Yeah, that was bad. And teacher's asking us to be poetic. Nuuuu...

Anyways, here is another, step-into-someone-else's-world... by me.

You walk into the stadium and suddenly feel giddy because you're nervous. But that's a good thing. Even though you had been here more than 20 times every single time you stepped in the place it was like a whole new world, something new and unexplored. Especially during competition season. Thousands of people were there. Some stared at you because you were from a private school. Especially when you went to that other town, you were the only one from a private school. You didn't understand the native language completely so your coach had to speak in English. You were practically an outcast there. Except, somehow, your groups leader called all of the people who sprinted, one big happy sprinter family. It somehow sounded nice, calming and you liked the sound of it. Anyways, back to the track. Your number is being called out... in that native language you don't really understand. Whatever she had said after your number, you didn't know what she was talking about. All you knew was... you were 5346. Your teammates, 5345, 5347 and 5348. They were nice. They never judged you. That's the main reason you turned to track and field. You feel free on the track. It's your home. Then it was time for your race. The intimate one, the race you had potential to win. Your friend from another school was just bragging about how fast they were. You were intimidated by her. You were intimidated my a lot of hr's.

Enough of this. This is getting boring. Goodbye.

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