The Stranger

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Lexi Pov

"Ally are you here" I yell out as I close the apartment door and kick off my heels off, "Oh my god, congratulations you got the job" said Ally excitedly "yup I am now working for Ace Recording Studio, can you believe it I actually got the job" I said excitedly and still a little shocked since there was so many people wanting the job "finally the dream job has come, we totally have to go out and celebrate tonight" said Ally as I follow her into her bedroom "let's go have a ladies night at Red Room and dance our asses off" I look at her with grin "alright I'm up for a girls night out probably won't get much of those once I start the new job" then Ally turns to me with a dress in her hand.

"Here put this on" said Ally throwing a lime green mini dress that was low in the front at me "oh my god I can't wear this" I said as I look at the dress, a very clingy dress, "just put it on it will look better on you than me" said Ally with a grin, I sigh and take the dress and go into the shower then dry my hair and curl it and then I let Ally do my makeup she does the best smokey eye, she's makeup artist. I look at myself in the mirror once I'm all done up and ready to go as Ally comes out of her room in her red strapless dress and matching shoes "Lena is meeting us there" she says as they walk out of the apartment.

We stand in line and Lena comes up to us "good thing we live in LA because anywhere cold right now would totally suck, this line is forever" she says then walks off and towards a bouncer "is she flirting with him" I ask with a laugh "totally trying to get us in right now " said Ally, "did she hook up with him" I ask curiously because it looked like they knew each other "yeah once apparently he wants more than just a hook up from her but she totally isn't interested" said Ally as we watch Lena flirt with the bouncer. Lena waves at us and we get out of the line to get into the Red Room "at least she gets something good out of it like skipping line in one of the hottest clubs in LA" said Ally, the bouncer gives each of us an appreciative glance as we walk in the club

"I totally got us into VIP lounge too just had to promise a little something for later" Lena says with a wink as we make our way through the crowds and to the bar. After a few drinks and a few dances I make my way back to the bar "a bourbon on ice" I said to the bartender, I go to hand money to the bartend for my drink but he stops me "it's paid for by the guy over there" said the bartender nodding towards the guy across from me. I see a guy with dark sunglasses on in a white tee shirt with a black leather coat, he gives me a grin and a mock cheers.

I attempt to give him a mock cheers back but he was already gone "okay" I said to myself as I turn around to go back to my friend but instead I'm being met with none other than sunglasses guy "uh hi" I said nervously "hi princess" he says with a smile "thanks for the drink" I tell him with a smile "what's your name beautiful" he asks me in my ear "Lexi, what's yours" I ask and he gives me another grin "Tristen" said Tristen "nice to meet you Tristen, do you always wear sunglasses in dark clubs" I ask with a smirk "I like to lay low princess but maybe if you dance with me I will take them off" said Tristen flirtatiously then takes my hand in his. I look at our hands then back at him deciding to take the chance on the mysterious sunglass guy named Tristen "okay" I said and we make our way through the crowds on the dance floor.

Tristen pulls me close sliding his hands to my waist as we dance "you certainly know how to move those sexy hips you have" Tristen said in my ear as he slides his hand lower to my ass then he grins as we dance and pulls his sunglasses up and I'm looking into a pair of beautiful green eyes "I keep my promises" he says then spins me around so my ass is against him and I continue to move against him and sliding down his body then he spins me back around "you are too sexy for your own good" Tristen said keeping me close as we dance.

Tristen Pov

Tonight I thought was going to be like any other night drink up then go home but tonight I am laying low and keeping my sunglasses on no need to draw attention not really in the mood for groupies tonight even if it would be nice to get laid.

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