Good Byes

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Lexi Pov

After our romantic getaway at our soon to be new home, I finally drove back to my own apartment that I haven't been to in months and Ally was there waiting "hey there stranger, I hear from a close friend that Tristen has asked you to live with him" said Ally with a smirk and I roll my eyes "Jesse has the biggest mouth ever" I said with a laugh as she hands me a glass of wine "so what do you think is it too soon or a bad idea, I mean I was coming home to talk to you about it but apparently Jesse is a big gossip now" I said to her and she shrugs "I'm happy if you're happy" said Ally with a smile giving me a mock cheers "and to tell you the truth I was about to have a discussion with you about the same thing well sort of" said Ally and I give her a grin "moving in with Jesse" I ask her teasingly and she rolls her eyes "no way, we are only friends, I don't think it's gonna go further than that" said Ally and then sighs "anyway I was going to tell you that I'm going to move back to New York for work, there's this job opportunity back home to do make up for runway shows for fashion week and maybe for longer than that if I can make it happen" she tells me and I smile excitedly "oh my god you have to do it" I said excitedly "I took it, don't worry" she says with a laugh.

"I'm gonna miss you but I will come visit if you decide to stay in New York after fashion week" I said reassuringly thinking that maybe she wants to go back to New York more permanently "I will miss you too and I will definitely come back to LA eventually" said Ally with a smile. After our big discussion of future plans, we started packing up our apartment together. When my moving day came we were both sad but happy, it was our first place together and so many wonderful things have come out of it, a new job opportunity for Ally and I went from an intern to a producer of The Sinners album that ended up being number one on the billboard charts when it finally dropped and I am currently living my happy ever after with my sweetest sin, Tristen Xavier.


Jesse Pov

Today is the day we leave for our tour and Ally is leaving for New York in just a few days, we were still spending time together but still only as friends, it just isn't the time to take it to the next level with me going away and now she will be moving to New York again but she says she will be moving back in a few months after my tour is over. I drop my bags at our gate and watch Lexi say good bye to Ally from a distance "are you gonna say good bye to her" asks Tristan from next to me "yeah I'm just giving them some time together" I said with a grin and Tristen rolls his eyes "Jess, you can be sad about leaving it's okay to drop the tough guy act" he tells me and I sigh "what do you want me to do cry about it, we knew tour was coming up just consider yourself lucky you get to take your girl with you" I said as Lexi walks back over to us.

I make my way slowly to Ally and we don't say anything at first "I knew this wasn't gonna be easy, I've been dredding saying good bye to you" said Ally looking up at me and I smirk "didn't know you liked me that much Angel" I said jokingly "yes you do" she says with a sad smile. I pull her closer "we will see each other again, it's not good bye, it's see you later" I tell her with a smile as I tilt her chin up and wipe the tears off of her face "you sure we will" she asks me again and I smirk "our best friends are disgustingly in love of course we will" I said and she laughs "yeah they are pretty gross" said Ally making me laugh then my flight is called "I guess this is it for a while" I said as we entwine our hands then I kiss her forehead "promise me we will see each other again" she says to me "I promise" I whisper in her ear then I let her go.

Just as I'm about to back away she pulls me back by my shirt down to her and kisses me hard and then my hand is in her hair kissing her back just as passionately and my flight gets called again "I love you" she whispers to me surprising me but before I get to say it back she moves away from me and walks away. 

The Sweetest Sin (The Sinners Series) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now