The Xavier Brothers

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Tristen Pov

After the whole lyric writing thing stopped flowing threw me, I drove around then I pull into a local dive bar and sit my ass down with my cap low and a glass of bourbon in front of me, one of the many I will probably have tonight. I sigh watching all the people around having fun playing pool, drinking, some even making out in corners. I can't believe I let myself get hurt again, I hurt her and she hurt me, she screwed my bandmate that hurts but I guess part of me deserves it too, I lied to her, I fucked her friend, we both screwed up and now she probably hates me. I mean I lost it and beat the shit out of Caleb in front of her. I still want to find him and beat his ass some more but Jesse is right it won't change anything just will make more trouble for the band if a photo gets taken or something.

Someone sits down next to me and I already know it's Jesse because that's what he does especially after me getting into fight probably wanted to make sure I wasn't lying and that I wasn't going to find Caleb. I don't look at him. I just continue to drink and stare straight ahead "you know you really need to stop following me" I tell him still not looking over at him "wanted to make sure you weren't lying to me" he said and I look over at him and I grin "you really do know me to well, if this were a few years ago you know he would be in the hospital right now" I said to him.

Jesse just leans over the bar counter "yeah well I'm glad you decided to think logically and not with your fists" he says and I put my hand up for another bourbon "how much are you planning to drink" asks Jesse "until I forget she even exists" I said irritatingly and Jesse grins "you couldn't even if you tried" said Jesse, sadly he is right I couldn't for one she is producing our album and two, I am completely in love with her even if my heart is broken in two "you know what the worst part about all of this" I say as the bartender slides my drink to me, "what" asks Jesse curiously "I deserve it as much as I think it was heartless to do to me to sleep with my bandmate, I'm just as wrong for sleepin with Lena" I said to him as I drink my bourbon.

"You know I haven't seen you that mad over a girl or that jealous in years" said Jesse with a smirk, "yeah well love does crazy things" I say to him "you think you're in love with her" said Jesse sounding surprised "I don't think, I know, not that it means shit now, we did too much to each other, she will never trust me and I don't know if I can give my heart any more than what I have, she probably feels that way too" I tell him then I get up and put money on the counter "you take your car here" I ask him "no I took a cab, I didn't know what kind of condition you would be in so I figured I'd be here if you need me to drive your car home" said Jesse, I grin "I might be the biggest asshole ever right now but yet you are still here to drive me home" I said with smirk and Jesse laughs, "I'm always here for your drunk ass, give me your keys" said Jesse putting his hand out, I hand him my keys and we head out of the bar.

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