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Lexi Pov

After their performance they were definitely even more happy and excited for the album and Jesse insisted on celebrating by having a party at the house for the Album launch in just a few days.

When Tristen and I go into his room he pulls me to himself and kisses me long and hard "what was that for" I ask with a laugh "for being an amazing girlfriend and producer" said Tristen with a smirk "and we are going away for a few days like leaving tonight, so pack a bag for the weekend" he tells me randomly "don't you guys have tons of publicity to do for this album" I ask him not believing he would want to go away right now "I talked to Jesse and he just wanted to do that interview to clear up the rumors and now we are taking the weekend off because when we come back it's gonna get crazy fast" said Tristen with a smirk "so I want to take my girl away" he said and I smile back "where are we going" I ask him and I get a mischievous smile "it's a surprise" he tells me as he hands me my over night bag to me "no more questions pack" he says then gives me one last kiss as he walks away "don't you need to pack too" I ask him and he smirks "already did" he tells me then walks out of the room.

I start packing while Tristen goes downstairs to talk to Jesse I guess. By the time he comes back I'm packed "bring a bathing suit too" he tells me and I turn to him "so somewhere that has a beach" I said with a smile "yes and that's the only hint you will get from me" he tells me with a smile then kisses me again and I sigh then grab one of my bathing suits and put it in my bag "are you ready" he asks me as I zip my bag up "all set" I said and then he tells me to head downstairs and he will meet me at the car.

I get into his range rover " no bike" I said with a smirk and he chuckles "nope not this weekend" said Tristen with a smile as he pulls out and turns the radio on. We end up in Malibu and I grin "of course Malibu. With our love of beaches and all" I said with a grin as we drive and he just smiles until he pulls up to a house, a beautiful one of course right on the beach facing the ocean "a beach house for the weekend" I said as I look at the pretty beach house and get out of the range rover as he goes to the trunk and gets our bags then grabs my hand as we walk up to the door and unlocks it.

When we get inside of course it's just as gorgeous one wall is just a windows facing the ocean and the living room and kitchen are attached, there is a skylight above me then I walk towards the sliders and look outside there is built in pool and lounge chairs along with a grill. I look to the side of it and of course there is a jacuzzi, I turn back to him "this is very extravagant for a weekend Tristen" I said with a smirk and he pulls me close "what if I told you it's not just for the weekend" said Tristen with a smile as I look up at him "what do you mean" I ask him "you bought a vacation house" I said with a laugh "nope" he says to me and I sigh "okay stop making me guess" I tell him rolling my eyes "I bought this because I'm moving out of my brother's house. I figured it's time for me to be on my own now, I moved in with him when we moved to LA years ago, we lived in a small apartment until we got big in music then he bought that house but after discussing with Jesse we have come to an agreement on selling it" I tell her and she smirks "please don't tell me he's my new roommate, I know there is three bedrooms and I love your brother but I don't want to live with him" I said with a laugh.

Tristen rolls his eyes "you really don't get it yet" he said with a laugh and I shake my head "well he isn't moving in, he bought a different house just as extravagant if not more over the top because he's Jesse and he has to have his studio and the pool and whatever else he needs" said Tristen and I laugh "but I bought this not just for me, I want you to move in with me" said Tristen with a smile "I mean let's face it you stay with me more than you're at your own apartment, you have practically been living with me and Jesse for months" said Tristen and I still say nothing because I can't believe he is really asking me to live with him "but I can't just leave Ally, the whole point was us living in LA together when I moved here, I never expected any of this to happen" I tell him worriedly "and she never expected to have Jesse Xavier over her house every night even if he's too much of chicken to make another move on her" he said with a laugh and I roll my eyes.

Tristen sighs "do you want to live with me" he asks me and I don't say anything at first but the more I think about it the more it makes sense because I've barely been at my apartment and Ally is always having Jesse over, they're getting to know each other I guess. I love Tristen more than anything and I really think it would be amazing to live with him "I do want to, just I have to talk with Ally first" I tell him knowing I can't just up and leave her without talking to her about it, she's my best friend and I love her to death. Tristen smiles and gives me a nod "do you think she will be mad" I ask him and Tristen rolls his eyes "please I give her and Jesse a few more months of getting to know each other and she will be staying at his house every night and will eventually move in with him" said Tristen with a laugh.

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