Old Hook Ups

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Tristen Pov

After we watched the sun come up we went our separate ways. As soon as I got home I went to bed completely exhausted yet happy which is all new territory for me finding a woman who makes me happy and not just someone to fill the empty spot in my heart or in a bed for a round of hot sex. As much as I am dying for hot sex with her because everything else has been so ridiculously hot that it makes me hard just the thought of sex with her.

When I fell asleep it was a deep sleep and I dreamt of her, having sex with her and her mouth on me, her underneath me, my cock deep inside her and the sound of her moans filling up the room it was probably the hottest dream I ever had.

I woke up and sat up, sweating and with a very hard cock. Once again I was rubbing one out when I came with a groan a pretty loud one, hope Jesse isn't here. I got up and went and took a cold shower too. This girl has me all sorts of worked up, sex dreams, jerking off, cold showers. What the fuck is wrong with me, I need to get fucking laid but I want no one but her. How do you enjoy sex with someone if all you can think about someone else. I growl to myself and get dressed then I make a call.

When I pull up she opens the door "nice to see you Tristen" she says with a flirty smile "what's up lena" I said with a grin as I walk into her house "so what do you want this time of day" Lena asks like she doesn't know why I'm here even though we both know she knows why I am here. So I turn to her and pin her to the wall and kiss her hard. Okay so maybe I am being aggressive but she didn't seem to mind too much. I kiss her long and hard "well aren't you happy to see me" said Lena flirtatiously "actually I just want to fuck, like we used to, just sex" I said reminding her it's nothing else then kiss her again as I take her shirt off then unclip her bra. Lena pulls my jeans off and my boxers as she takes her skirt off and I pull off her panties then she is on her knees in front of me. I let her suck my cock for a little then I pull her up and sit down on the couch "ride me" I tell her as I slide a condom on and she slides down on to my cock with a moan and she starts to ride me.

I hold her hips as she rides me and thrust into her pussy then lay her down and fuck her hard all you hear is skin slapping on skin as I pound into her making her moan and I think of Lexi the entire time I'm pounding into Lena. When I get my release before Lena, I pull out of her throwing the condom on the floor then slide my fingers into her and rubbing her clit making her fall apart. After I just get up and throw my clothes on she asks me to stay and have coffee but I decline and leave.

I walk into my house and Jesse is in the kitchen having coffee "where'd you leave to in a hurry early this afternoon" Jesse asks me "had to take care of something" I said lying to him "interesting because Caleb said he saw your bike parked in front Lena's house" said Jesse looking him at me "why do you need to know everything about me" I ask him irritatingly "I don't but what you seem to not know is pretty important and hopefully it doesn't bite you in the ass being the fact you were so into Lexi" said Jesse sounding like he definitely knows something "I am into her" I said with a shrug "you just banged Lexi's friend" said Jesse matter factly. I try to play it cool "well Lexi and I we aren't like dating and I just needed some before I went insane, Lexi isn't the type to just fuck me after two days of knowing me" I said and Jesse sighs "and Lena is an easy lay thought maybe you had enough of that and if Lexi is so unwilling then what were you doing in the ladies room last night with her" asks Jesse with a smirk.

I take one of Jesse's cigarettes "thought you quit" said Jesse "yeah I just started again and you need to learn that you don't need to know everything I do but if you really wanna know I got possibly the best blow job I ever had last night and I fingered her" I said with a grin because I know I over shared purposely "there now you know" I said with a shrug then I walk away "okay maybe I shouldn't have asked" Jesse says to himself then goes back to his coffee.

Lexi Pov

"So wait let me get this straight you met him in the club two nights ago and you danced then you kissed yet you never told me a thing, you also fooled around with him twice yesterday and I am just hearing about it" said Ally as we have coffee at star bucks, Lexi rolls her eyes "look I don't know what to do with all of this, it all happened so fast" I tell her then I sigh "on top of all that he always has sunglasses on and hats every time he is in public except for on the beach and at our apartment but he also took off when you were at the door I just don't get it what's he hiding from" I explain with a shrug "yesterday he tells me he's kind of famous, whatever that means" I said still confused about Tristen.

Ally takes a sip of her coffee "well his name is Tristen what if he is Tristen Xavier from The Sinners" said Ally with a shrug "I mean last night I danced with Jesse Xavier at the club and you're saying you guys were together at the club doesn't that seem kind of strange" she said to me, I shake my head no because it just can't be possible why would a famous drummer in a famous band want to be with me "there is no way he is, he is too nice and sweet even if we do a lot of fooling around there is no way he is some Hollywood playboy drummer" I said trying to convince myself there is definitely no way he would lie to me like that about his entire identity "maybe you should find out for sure look him up online or something see" she suggests "no way that's idiotic there is no way he is a celebrity" I tell her just as Lena walks in.

"Someone is late" said Ally, I grin, "I was busy" she sits down with her coffee "who this time" asks Ally with a grin "Tristen Xavier" said Lena with a shrug "like I said the Tristen I know isn't Tristen Xavier, because the Tristen I know wouldn't be seeing me and sleeping with one of my friends and now I have to get going" I tell them "Tristen Xavier how do you know him and you never told me you did' said Ally as Lexi gets up "I met him before the band got really big when they used to play in those dive bars, we hooked up a few times and we still do but very rare because he is too busy with models now and days, probably more groupies now in days too and I also don't really listen to their music or go to their shows but I heard that he is drumming at some club tomorrow night, you game" asks Lena with a smile "I'm totally late but yeah I'm game" I tell them as I walk away.

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