Meeting The Famous Jesse Xavier

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Lexi Pov

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Lexi Pov

After my chat with Ally, I hung around the apartment all day and really thought about this job opportunity and the next day I decided that I needed to take the job. I gave Jesse a call and he told me to come to his house that day so we can talk business and he can show me his studio and now I am on my way over there.

When I pulled into the driveway and saw the mansion he lives in, I was nervous but more nervous because I know that Tristen lives with him and I couldn't help but wonder if he was home. I rang the doorbell and Jesse answered right away "hey" said Jesse with a friendly smile "hey" I said shyly not really used to being around a famous Rockstar, let's face it I was comfortably with Tristen because I had no idea he was the Tristen Xavier famous drummer of The Sinners. Jesse opens the door wider letting me in. He offers me coffee and I nod my head and we walk into his giant kitchen with a breakfast bar in the middle, the stove, sink and fridge are all chrome and everything is perfectly clean "how do you take it" he asks facing the other way "black with sugar is fine" Jesse nods and then hands me a cup of coffee "so you want to see the studio, my lead guitarist is downstairs too" said Jesse as we head downstairs.

We walk into the studio and it's huge with instruments everywhere and Tristen's drum set which is probably the biggest drum set I have ever seen "wow this is just amazing" I say as I look around at everything even at the computers and recording equipment that's when I see his guitarist working with the recording equipment, he looks up and my stomach drops it's Caleb, the same Caleb I was with the night before, he looks at me with his dark eyes and a grin appears on his face "uh hi Caleb" I say uncomfortably as he looks me up and down "nice to meet you Lexi" said Caleb giving me a look to play along "nice to meet you too" we shake hands.

Jesse looks between the two of us, then sits down I follow "okay so we have been recording so there is music that is already done. I just I have a deadline for the record to be done by" Jesse explains as Caleb gets up "I'm going to go, I need a break, I'll be back later, nice meeting you again Lexi" said Caleb giving me a grin then he leaves.

"I think I'm making him crazy, we've been at it for hours now" said Jesse with a yawn "so you know how all of this works right" he asks me "of course I do, do you want to start now" I ask him and Jesse smiles "yes sure" said Jesse with a smirk  "dedicated, I like that" said Jesse then we get to work for a couple of hours and with lots of coffee we get a lot done, we are an amazing as a team "so Tristen had also told me you are a song writer and that you want to both produce and write" said Jesse turning his chair to her "yeah I would like too" I said looking over at him "I've never actually gotten around to doing anything to help an artist write songs " I explained "interesting, do you sing or play anything" he asks, "well I can sing and a lot of my friends tell me, I should be singing, writing and producing but I don't know about being a performing artist" I tell him.

"Performing is a blast, people knowing your lyrics is actually the most gratifying part of it all, the fans is what makes it all happen without them you don't have anything but a studio and a dream, not to mention the energy of a concert is crazy, the audience's energy " said Jesse with a smile, "yeah I've heard the shows you guys put on are pretty amazing but I don't know performing in front of insane amount of people, I've never done that, I've sung in front of small crowds at bars a few times mainly open mike nights and I've done covers and I never been booed off stage or anything so I guess I can't be that bad" I tell him with a laugh  "do you have any work with you" he asks me curiously, I nod, "I always carry a notebook, you know in case something comes to me" I said as I take out my notebook "you mind if I look at your songs" asks Jesse sounding excited to look at my songs. I smile "no not at all" I say and I give my notebook to him. Jesse flips through the notebook as I sit there nervously wondering if maybe I really am going to get a big break out of this. I can't believe that Jesse Xavier is looking at my work even if my music is a different genre.

"I really like this one" said Jesse sliding the notebook "sweetest sin" said Jesse with a grin, I get a little nervous about that song "that one is one I really haven't sung at all, it's actually about your brother and I, I wrote it before all of this happened" I tell him nervously, Jesse grins "what if I told you I'd like to put some music to that song, it's not really our music type but I'd really like to do it unless you have music already for it" he asks me, I look away "I never got that far because of everything that happened" I say to him "well would you care if I did it" he asks me again "I mean if you want to, how could I say no to that, you're Jesse Xavier, if anything I take it as a huge compliment that you would even want too, I mean if you really feel you have a time and all" I said to him and he grins "If there is anything you should know about me Lexi, I will take on a ton of work at once, I can work on it when the guys want to take breaks in here, when I let them leave after hours" he says with a laugh.

"Okay if you want too" I said again with my own smile, "on one condition" said Jesse with a mischievous smile and I laugh "of course there is a condition" Jesse leans forward "you sing it for me when I'm done" he says to her, I think about it for a minute "c'mon it's easy enough it will be only in front of me and I will be behind the glass recording" he said convincingly. I grin "okay deal" I said with a sigh and we shake on it just as Caleb walks back in "you guys are still at it" asks Caleb "nah we were just talking business and Lexi was showing me some of her work" said Jesse as he hands me my notebook back.

"You write too" said Caleb sitting next to me "yeah" I said shyly "she's got good lyrics too, one in particular she is allowing me to make music for it in between breaks with you guys and I can probably work on it after I let you guys go for the night" said Jesse to Caleb "he really never stops, I don't think he sleeps" said Caleb with a grin "hey I sleep I just don't need eight hours like normal people" said Jesse with a laugh as he gets up "I'm gonna grab some coffee, if you want to work longer we can or you can head out Lexi" said Jesse "I will work a little longer" I tell him because I don't have anything better to do.

Jesse looks back at her as he is going up the stairs "I like her dedication to her work" said Jesse with a wink then goes up the stairs leaving me alone with Caleb "so you are Lexi, you know if Tristen ever finds out about last night, he will beat the crap out of me" said Caleb with a laugh "It's not really his business considering we aren't actually together" I tell him as I work.

Caleb moves closer with a sexy grin, leaning towards me "good to know maybe it will be worth the beating, you want do it again sometime" he asks me with a sexy grin as he slides his hand up my thigh then in between my thighs all the way up, I bite my lip "because I would like to so much" he says sexily and I smirk then look over at him "maybe" I said flirtatiously even though I know it's more than likely a bad idea but Caleb is hot and I need to just get over the whole thing with Tristen.

Caleb and I work and I decide to tease him by sliding my hand up his thigh to his cock, making a bulge form in his jeans "you can't wait to fuck me again" said Caleb "I think you need to stop doing that if you don't I am going to push your head underneath this desk and make you suck my cock" he says to me, I grin sexily and kiss up his neck "maybe I want to suck your cock" I whisper continuing to tease him, he groans "I don't know when Jesse is going to come back could be any minute" said Caleb continuing to work but with a grin.

"You guys are working hard in here" said Jesse, Caleb grins, "yes we are working very hard" said Caleb, Jesse not catching the double meaning "yeah I think we are done here, kind of tired" said Caleb with a grin and I follow his league and say the same, Jesse shrugs and says okay, "Lex, I'm going to get work on that song okay" Jesse tells me and I look back at him and give him a smile then say thank you to him.

The Sweetest Sin (The Sinners Series) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now