The Mysterious Tristen Xavier

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Lexi Pov

I fix my blouse and then unlocks the door for Ally "how do you forget your house key shouldn't it be with your car keys" I said to her "I changed key rings forgot to put them on it" Ally said as she goes into her room and grabs her house keys "so you want to go out again tonight" Ally asks me as she leaves her room "yeah sure" I said with a shrug still confused by Tristen's weirdness and why he likes to lay low so much.

Tristen Pov

Talk about sexual frustration I just was completely cock blocked by her roommate. I put my keys on the counter and go straight to take a shower which ends up leading to me rubbing one out in the shower but even after that I am still keyed up. What the fuck has this girl done to me, her moaning my name was enough to make me come without even having her touch me.

She probably thinks I'm crazy for the way I took off out of her house when her roommate came home. I really do need to tell her who I really am before this gets completely out of hand but it's not easy to do because I don't want her to want the rock star drummer. I want her to want me just as me. I never thought I'd sound like this but I actually like this girl and I don't really even know her that well there is just something about her that really intrigues me and well the little fooling around we have done was so hot it could've been porn.

I go down the stairs to the studio to go play my drums maybe it will help the sexual frustration. I beat on my drums for about an hour or so until Jesse walks in. My brother and lead singer of The Sinners "what has your panties in a twist, you're going ape shit down here" said Jesse as he sits down "my panties are not in a twist maybe I just want to play my drums" I said which was total bullshit that he totally isn't going to fall for. Jesse looks up at me "what, I'm fine" I said irritatingly "so you see that girl again from the club" asks Jesse as he flips through his notes like he isn't being a nosy fucker right now "yes today" I tell him as I take a drink from my bottle of water.

Jesse looks at me concernedly "did you tell her who you were, I still can't figure out how she doesn't know you're Tristen Xavier" said Jesse like it's the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard, I sigh "no I didn't tell her, I saw her at star bucks and some cashiers recognized me when I took off my hat and sunglasses and she still didn't put two and two together then I got me and her out of there and we went back to her place and talked" I tell him but leaving out the fooling around with her thing.

Of course he already knows that not all that happened. Jesse grins "you talked" he says not believing a word of that "yes we talked a little found out she works for Ace Music Production" I tell him watching for his reaction on that. Jesse looks at me concernedly again as I sit down "you better tell her who you are soon, if she works for the company, what if she sees you there when we have meetings before you tell her" said Jesse sounding like he knows everything as always "yeah I know" I said to him irritatingly.

I get up and go back to my drum set "something else happened because you're awful twitchy" said Jesse with a grin like he already knows something happened, I roll my eyes "you know I hate that you know me so well it really is annoying" I said as I grab my drumsticks, "I'm your brother of course I know you, you would be hounding me too if I was acting like you are" said Jesse with a shrug.

I twirl my drumsticks "lets just say I left very sexually frustrated" I said still not telling him anything expecting him to read between the lines "okay so she wouldn't fuck you" Jesse said matter factly "oh it's worse than that we fooled around and mid hand job her roommate showed up knocking on the door, she forgot her key to the house or something" I said to him and of course Jesse laughs "yeah laugh it up, you climb down a fire escape with a boner" I tell him still irritated with what happened.

Jesse laughs harder and I give him the finger with a grin "why did you sneak down a fire escape what are you fifteen again getting caught by your girlfriends daddy" said Jesse making fun of me "no what if her friend knew who I was that's not exactly how I want her to find out I'm the Tristen Xavier" I said as I get ready to play my drums.

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