Surprise Guests

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Jesse Pov

When Ally showed up at my house it made my stomach flip and my heart stop because I haven't seen her since the night we spent together almost a month ago nothing really happened but we spent a great deal of the night talking and dancing then leaving the club and talking more at her apartment apparently she never told her best friend anything even though Lexie has been busy with her own drama with Tristan. Either way it was weird to see her here at my house and I know I was bein a complete dick about it but it's rare I have a surprise guest in my house.

As far as the phone thing it's just me being me, I know her but not where I feel that she won't do something stupid like record my music on her phone. I know how these things work sometimes people aren't who you think they are especially when they know you're famous. However since that one night I haven't been able to get her out of my head and now I had to record a song that I wrote about her and sing it in front of her not that she would pick up on it being about her.

We work for a while longer and I try to ignore the fact that she is here so I can get my fucking job done. I recorded a few more songs, when I come back out of my little safe house, the cubicle because well I needed to take a cigarette break "alright I'm takin a smoke break" I said as I grab my cigarettes then I finally allow myself to look at Ally, she's so fucking unbelievably gorgeous and talking to her that night made me lose track of time, I think I was with her till like four in the morning or something.

Ally looks up at me as I walk by I turn around "care to join me Ally" I ask her wanting to talk to her and be near her so badly "I don't smoke" she tells me and I smirk "keep me company then, I might get lonely on my smoke break" I said with another grin "if you want to talk to me you can just say so instead of making excuses" said Ally raising an eyebrow at me challengingly "don't be stubborn" I said to her with a grin and she sighs then gets up and follows me outside on to my patio. I light my cigarette and take a drag "nice pool" she says randomly and I grin "thanks" I said "so" she says uncomfortably and I smirk then turn to her "yeah so" I said with another smile "what really brings you here Ally" I ask her because somehow I'm not buying that she only came here to make sure Lexi is okay. Ally looks up at me "are you calling me a liar" she asks me and I lean over her as she takes a step back "no, I just think you had other motives to come here" I said with a grin hinting at that she came to see me, "are you asking if I came here to see you without actually asking, you really like to dance around your questions don't you" said Ally with a smirk.

I just give her a grin "well I only came to find Lexi" she says and I lean in closer "oh yeah, why'd you stay though" I ask her still with a grin on my face "not for you, you're being a dick" said Ally and I chuckle "I'm always a dick" I tell her as I tilt her chin up "you weren't the night we met" said Ally "maybe I'm just not used to surprise guests" I tell her and she smiles "I'm full of surprises" said Ally flirtatiously "oh yeah, hope they are good ones" I said flirtatiously and we are flirting again just as much as we did when we first met "was me showing up here not a good one" she asks me "so you did come here to see me" I said with a smile and she just smirks then shrugs.

I had yet to kiss her and I don't think I have ever wanted to kiss a woman as badly as I want to kiss her right now, I give her another smile as look down at her lips "are trying to kiss me, Jesse" asks Ally and I bite my lip "do you want me to kiss you" I ask her and she smirks "answering questions with questions as always" she says to me as I slide my hand to her face down her throat then her chin tilting her face up to mine "answer the question" I said and she gives me a flirty smile "maybe I do maybe I don't, I guess you might have to find out for yourself" said Ally and I smile "is that a challenge" I ask her when my lips are almost on hers "I don't know is it" Ally asks with a smile and I smile back "challenge accepted, angel" I said then my lips are on hers. I kiss her softly at first until she deepens the kiss.

I pull her on her bottom lip teasingly then slide my tongue against hers as we kiss and slip my hands into her dark hair as we kiss and back her up against my house, our bodies aligned as we kiss as the kiss turns more passionately heated I hear my slider door opening "this is a very long cigarette break" I hear Tristen say as he steps outside "I really hate you right now" I growl and he just smirks "Caleb you owe me ten bucks" Tristen yells out as he goes into the house. I look at Ally and we both laugh a little, "I think I need to go back to work" I tell her with a smile and she smiles back.

We come downstairs and they are all looking at us with cheesy smiles and then I see Caleb pass Tristen ten bucks "you really bet ten bucks if we were kissing or not" I said to them shaking my head "no we bet ten bucks on if you kiss her while you were outside together" said Tristen and then smirks "I won" he says and Caleb rolls his eyes "glad to know my love life is worth the ten bucks" I said to them both "maybe now that you're getting one you'll stay out of mine" said Tristen sarcastically and I just flick him off "anyway can we get back to work again" said Lexie interrupting us "yeah really time to work" I said as I sit back down with her and Ally sits to the side of me on the small couch I put down here a few days ago.

Myself and Lexi are going through my songs to figure out the final songs which seems to be turning out to be hard, Tristen and Caleb put in their opinions as we listen to music to each song "jesus why is this so fucking hard" I said irritatingly as I run my fingers through my hair "maybe we should take some time to think about it, maybe we can write a new song if none of these work for this particular album" said Lexi "I don't have much time left for this it has to get to the record label in like a week" I tell her and she smiles "I think we can do it, we've been a pretty great team so far" said Lexi "all of us" she says to me and my band members "yeah good point" I said to her.

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