One Night Stands

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Tristen Pov

The next morning I woke up miserable, I lit up a cigarette outside with my coffee.  Jesse comes out with me "I fucked up" is all I say to him, he looks over at me and sits down "why don't you go talk to her" asks Jesse, I shrug, "I don't think she wants to talk to me right now" I said with a sigh "I'm such an idiot, I should've told her who I was but it was so hard to do man, I wanted her like me for me so bad that I couldn't just tell her, I thought that she would walk away once she knew" I explained "well you can't change that you didn't tell her but maybe you can go and explain yourself" said Jesse, "I guess I owe her that much even if she tells me to go fuck myself after" I said as I get up to go take a quick shower and get dressed.

I drive to her house right away but her car wasn't there so I sat there anyway to think and then her car pulled in and she got out but in the same dress she had on last night, where the fuck was she all night. I get out of my car and march over to her "where'd you stay last night" I ask, she looks at me and starts to walk away. I grab her wrist putting her up against her car, my arms on each side of her entrapping her "I was out not that it's any of your business" said Lexi looking up at me angrily "looks like you have sex hair, princess" I growl, "you fucked some other guy last night didn't you" I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders, "what's your point" she asks looking up at me "I had sex with you without a condom you gave me all of you and then last night you spread those legs for some douche at another club" I said angrily even if I have no right to be angry with her because I fucked up even worse, I lied about who I was.

A lot of my anger is more jealousy but I continue to be a dick about her fucking some other guy "you left Red Room went to some other club because you saw Lena near me, guess what I turned her down, I went straight home with my brother" I explained and she looks at me like she could care less "so now you're acting slutty because you're pissed off at me" Lexi gives me a bitchy grin if that's even possible "I thought you liked slutty girls Tristen" she says to me as she slides a hand down my chest. Of course my cock twitches my body always reacts to her even though I am so pissed off at her right now I can fucking strangle her either that or fuck her so hard she feels it for a week just to prove she is mine.

I lean into her more "well I mean I guess I do right since I like you" I said with a smirk and she slaps me right across my face.  I grin and I pull her closer to me "I bet you he didn't fuck you the way I could, I will fuck you like I play my drums, hard, so fucking hard" I said in a growl "fuck you" said Lexi as she walks around me but I pull her back to me "you did fuck me princess and very good too" I tell her with another smile and she grins "and now I'm fucking someone else" she says then walks away "guess you really are just a dirty little slut" I say from behind her right in her ear "but guess what princess I like dirty" I say then I walk back to my range rover.

drive out of the parking lot like a maniac not slowing down till I am almost at home. I walk into the house and Jesse is in the kitchen with Caleb. They both look at me when they hear the door slam "I take it didn't go well" said Jesse his arms crossed over his chest "that's not even the fucking half of it, she was out all night last night, she fucked another guy because she saw Lena near me after I got off stage" I growl then stomp off and I turn around "I ever find out who the douche bag is I will break both his fucking legs" I said madly "thought she was never your girlfriend" said Caleb, I look at him "then what was she, I had sex with her with no condom, would I do that with girl I can give a fuck less about" I snap back, "so now what" asks Jesse "I don't know, just I know it's all fucked up between me and her but still consider what I asked you, she deserves that much" I tell him and Jesse looks at me and grins.

"What" I growl "nothing just haven't seen you care about a girl in a long time, she must be something special" said Jesse with a grin, I look away "yeah too bad it's all fucked up now, doesn't mean I don't think she deserves this break, here" I said taking a piece of paper and a pen then I write down Lexi's number, Jesse looks at me as I slide Lexi's phone number to him on the counter "uh okay, I'm going to go take a ride on my Harley, clear my head" I said then I grab my keys and leave again.

Lexi Pov

I get inside the apartment being glad Ally is not here because I just don't want to talk about last night at all. I go into my room and decide to take a shower needing to wash away last night's festivities. I wanted to make Tristen jealous I guess, not only did I make him jealous, I made him hate me probably, whatever not like we can actually be together too many lies, I don't even know who the real Tristen Xavier is.

I take my shower then my phone rings as I am wrapping a towel around myself. I pick it up and it's a number I don't recognize "hello", "hi Lexi, this is Jesse Xavier, my brother had told you I needed someone to produce the album, would you still be interested in taking the job" asks Jesse, I can't believe he still came through for me even after everything that happened "Tristen said you needed help not that you needed a producer" I said as I pace back and forth "he might've said that so you aren't nervous or something, I have been doing the album on my own with the guys but it would just be easier with a producer" said Jesse "you want me to produce your album with you even after everything with your brother" I said to him still surprised and a little speechless because I am on the phone with Jesse Xavier.

"I know for a fact my brother wouldn't want you to lose this opportunity just because of personal reasons that involve him" said Jesse matter factly, "it's a great opportunity but do you think I can think on it for a few days, I'm not turning it down I just need to think on it" I say nervously, "okay, just make sure you really think about your career, not about Tristen, talk to you soon Lexi" said Jesse and hangs up.

"Lex" said Ally coming into my room, I sit down on the bed in shock then the tears start to fall "hey what's wrong is it Tristen, I thought maybe you were with him last night" said Ally concernedly as I cry.  I shake my head no and I tell her everything about Tristen and then about Caleb and about this big job opportunity that I would truly be crazy to pass up "Lex, you can't let Tristen get to you to the point that you pass up the opportunity to produce The Sinners album that's huge, if you don't do this you will regret it for the rest of your life" she says  "but I would have to see him, I just I don't know" I said not being sure if it's a good idea but really I'd be so stupid to turn this down it could be my big break.  Ally takes me by my shoulders "listen he got you this opportunity, he cared enough to make sure Jesse called you even after everything that happened not to mention you would totally be insane to pass this up just because of guy troubles because let's face it, all guys are assholes but that doesn't mean we give up big career opportunities" said Ally with a grin, Lexi laughs.

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