The Real Tristen Xavier

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Lexi Pov

I tag along the next night with Ally and Lena to Red Room and its completely wall to wall packed and we can barely get through to the bar. We get our drinks "when does he come out" I ask them over the music then we hear a ton of people screaming mainly girls "oh my god let's get closer" said Lena once they hear him playing the drums. We make our way through crowds of people and almost to the front.

The lights going crazy as he was playing but as I walk closer, I stopped short because up there was the very man I was in bed with last night, the man whom I thought was not Tristen Xavier actually is Tristen Xavier, dear god I slept with a rock star, the hottest drummer in Hollywood "what's wrong" asks Ally, "I'm gonna leave" I say as I continue to stare at him playing his drums with his sunglasses on even though everyone knows who he is and looking like sex on legs, no exaggeration the man is sex on legs, "why" asks Ally bringing me out of my thoughts. I just continue to stare at Tristen in amazement even though I am still mad because of many reasons but it all makes sense even everything he said last night, he wanted to know if I would be pissed about Lena because he is Tristen Xavier and if I cared if he was him because he is Tristen Xavier and now as much as I do like him how could I continue to seeing him "god he is so sexy" said Lena, "Lex, what is wrong" asks Ally again.

I look over at her "he's Tristen, my Tristen is Tristen Xavier, the man I was with last night is a rock star" I said trying to process it. Ally looks at me "wow, you hun slept with a very hot famous drummer" said Ally with a smile, I cross my arms over my chest "yeah and so did one of my friends the same day I did" I said irritatingly then I walk away getting closer wanting him to see me and show him he is completely caught out because there isn't anything he can do to chase after me. Maybe I am going back on what I said a little but it doesn't have anything to do with him being famous, it's because he slept with Lena and slept with me that night not to mention lying about who he was.

I get very close to where he is playing and he looks up still dancing and playing drums. I pull off the fangirl thing and reach up to touch his hand or whatever and he grins then his grin fades but he knows he has to keep playing. I roll my eyes at him and walk through the crowds of people.

Tristen pov

I get out on stage completely pumped and I am on my drums in the zone completely hearing everyone screaming and dancing as I play like an animal then a girl comes up closer reaching her hand out as I am dancing and playing my drums I look down at her and give her a grin then I realize it's Lexi. I'm caught out, I had no idea she would be here. I look behind her and there is her friend Ally and of course Lena. I can't do anything, go after her nothing because I have to stay up here. Now I am just mad at myself which makes me play furiously like a complete maniac.

By the time the night is over I want nothing but to go home and sleep. I walk through the crowds of people in the bar to find Jesse. Of course I get stopped by Lena with hand on my chest "you wanna come to my house tonight" she asks sexily, I look down at her dressed half naked and she does nothing for me "not really" I say walking around her but she grabs my wrist, I turn around "are you sure, you seem to have enjoyed yourself yesterday" she says as she pulls me closer. I look away and I see Lexi who never actually left, she looks at me and then walks away "my answer is no" I tell her irritatingly then I walk away from her to go after Lexi.

"Lex wait up" I say to her chasing after her out of the club, she gets to her car before I get to her and she drives away, I mutter a few swear words then I turn around and walk back into the club to go find Jesse and get home.

Lexi Pov

I drive to some other club on a mission to enjoy my night even though I still have tears in my eyes and I'm still incredibly hurt by everything that happened and then seeing Lena all over Tristen. I promised myself I wouldn't ever get hurt like this again. I know it was only a few days with Tristen but I really thought we really had a connection but the connection I thought we had was with a man that didn't exist.

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