The Fight

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Lexi Pov

The next day I kind of dread going to work in the studio because how I practically threw myself at Tristen but of course I have to suck it up and just hope he isn't there today if luck is even on my side anymore and as soon as I get to the house I am relieved to see Tristen isn't there but once again Caleb is. I kind of ditched him last night due to the fact I had kissed Tristen and felt kind of bad for it.

I head downstairs and Caleb is down there by himself "hey" he says as he works "hi" I said shyly then I sit down in the chair next to him "what happened last night, you never showed up" he asks as he works "I was tired" I say with a sigh, "oh okay" Caleb said then we continue to work and talk being our usual flirty selves. Caleb turns to me his hand on my thigh "I missed you last night" he gives me a sexy grin as his hand slides up my thigh "I'm sure you did" I said with a flirty smile and he leans in more and kisses down my neck "we should maybe get together tonight" Caleb whispers in my ear as he continues leaving a trail of kisses down my neck. I can see the bulge forming in his pants, he takes my hand putting on his hard cock over his pants "you know anyone can come down those stairs and it won't look too good if we are feeling each other up instead of working on your album" I tell him even though I rub his cock over his pants "I think it's worth the risk" he says with a grin.

Caleb slips his hand under my skirt in between my thighs rubbing me over my panties. I turn to him kissing him then he slides his hand into my panties, his fingers working their magic on my clit as I go for his zipper on his jeans we hear someone coming down the stairs and we pull away quickly and Caleb pushes in his chair closer to the table to hide his hard on. I turn to see Tristen, oh this is going to be awkward, I kissed Tristen yesterday and now I was just getting felt up by his bandmate of course once again Tristen is shirtless, does this man even own a shirt, he gives me one of his sexy mischievous panty melting grins then sits down on the other side of me.

I look at Caleb who is actually grinning like an idiot, glad he finds this amusing "what's up with you Caleb, get laid or something, you're grinning like an idiot over there" said Tristen, Caleb grins "yeah I have this really hot sex buddy, really hot sex, she really knows what she is doing" he says, I blush and try to hide my face in my hair and continue to work with the sound board "is Jesse coming down today, we have some more recording to do" I ask trying to change the subject off of sex "yeah should be back in soon said Tristen then leans back in his chair "Caleb anyone I know" he asks sounding suspicious but maybe I'm being paranoid. Caleb looks over at him "not sure you might've seen her around" said Caleb, I look over at him, he grins "interesting, Lex, you know who he's talking about" asks Tristen looking between the two of us "no not at all" I say not looking over at him.

"Interesting seems to me you guys have been working together a lot lately, figured maybe you're sharing some secrets" said Tristen still looking between the two of us "and why would you think that" asks Caleb turning his chair towards him, Tristen shrugs "just observing the situation here, she's squirming in her chair, you're grinning like a fool, if I didn't know any better I'd say something was going on behind my back between the two of you" he said sounding pissed off. Caleb crosses his arms over his chest "and why would it matter to you and last I checked, you and Lexi never technically went out" said Caleb which is the truth, we never really made anything official.

Tristen glares at Caleb "oh yeah well you know how I feel about her, it would be pretty fucked up thing to do" said Tristen, I look between the two "are you both going to continue to talk about this like I'm not here" I ask now getting annoyed with the both of them "okay fine, is he your mystery guy Lex" he asks me straight forwardly "you know what maybe you should mind your own business, last I checked we never dated so what I do is not any of your business" I said irritatingly and he crosses his arms over his chest "it's none of my business huh, I think it is being the fact you did kiss me last night practically threw yourself at me, all sorts of turned on from me drumming, I really should've just fucked you against that wall" said Tristen nodding toward the wall I kissed him against.

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