First Dates

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Tristen Pov

After a work out on my drums, I take another shower and now I am self loathing because I fucked Lexi's friend without knowing. Maybe if she finds out she won't take it that hard I mean we aren't like in a relationship I mean I didn't cheat on her. I still have to tell her who I am and it's getting really hard to do because I keep convincing myself she won't want to be with me once she finds out who I am.

I grab my keys and decide to take a bike ride as I get a text from Lexi asking to meet up later tonight. I say yes, we decide to meet up at the beach again. I sigh to myself and start to feel really guilty about Lena like I betrayed her even if I didn't technically but I am an asshole for it anyway I mean we fooled around 24 hours before I fucked Lena but in any consolation not like I completely enjoyed it.

I go and get a coffee then sit with it at a different star bucks with the same disguise. A few people glance at me but no one comes up to me which is good after about thirty minutes I see camera flashes fucking paparazzi found me. I leave in a rush and jump on my bike without a word then head back home to work with the guys in the studio.

 I leave in a rush and jump on my bike without a word then head back home to work with the guys in the studio

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Lexi Pov

I get home from a busy day at work to see Ally getting ready to go out to some club again "how do you go out to a club like every night" I ask her as I get ready for my date with Tristen "hey not all of us have a mysterious sunglass wearing drummer in our lives by the way for your sake I really hope your right and he isn't Tristen Xavier because Tristen Xavier was fucking Lena earlier today after seeing you the night before if it was him" said Ally as she grabs her purse. I just roll my eyes "it's not him" I tell her and as I fix my make up then throw on jean shorts and a tank top.

When I pull up to the beach Tristen is sitting in a car this time a black range rover. He grins when he sees me and takes his sunglasses off and his hat then he grabs two coffees "you brought me coffee" I said with a smile, "yeah and those little creamers and sugar wasn't sure how you take it" said Tristen with a smile as he grabs a beach blanket and hands me the coffees as he lays out the blankets and then we sit on the beach.

"How was your day" asks Tristen as he drinks his coffee "it was long and busy, I am trying to do everything perfect I really want to get into a music studio" I tell him "well I have some news for you, if you give me a few weeks I can get you in one, if you don't mind workin with a few rock guys, the lead singer can really use the help because he has a lot of projects" said Tristen with a smile "who is it" I ask him with a smile, he grins "can I tell you when I have it all set up" asks Tristen, "you really are cryptic you know" I said with a laugh, he laughs "hey I know this guy he changes his mind like night and day I wanna be sure he is seriously gonna do this for me" said Tristen, I sigh "okay fine" I tell him as my phone vibrates.

I look at my text from Ally of course then I laugh "what's so funny" asks Tristen "my friend Ally, she is on this total nutty thing that I need to find out if you are Tristen Xaiver and then today my friend Lena met us for coffee and she totally slept with him last night and I told Ally that you weren't him because you wouldn't do that but she still is on this whole thing" I tell him, "can I ask you something" asks Tristen looking at his coffee cup "sure" I said as I put my coffee cup down.

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