Never Say Never (part 2)

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Lexi Pov

I come downstairs and Jesse is already starting on finishing the last song we recorded "look I'm really sorry about last night" I said as he works on the computer at transferring songs which is really my job but I'm not exactly on his best side right now "look it happened there isn't anything we can do to change that but I promise I will fix it, I don't want this to bring your career down because rumors like this can do that, so let's finish this the faster I get it done the faster I can fix what's happened and you and Tristen can go public with your relationship, officially" said Jesse and that's the last thing he says and we work in silence at finishing up the rest of the album together.

We look at each other once we are done and he finally smiles "we did it" he says excitedly then his phone rings as I'm about to say a very big thank you for this opportunity. Jesse walks upstairs as I wait for him to come back down but Tristen comes downstairs first "hey" he says and I smile "we finished, you guys are going to have such a brilliant album" I said excitedly and Tristen grins as he pulls me closer "we had a very beautiful and brilliant woman producing it with us who I happen to be head over heels for" said Tristen then kisses me "do you two ever come up for air" said Jesse as he comes downstairs "we are having a nice little party this weekend to celebrate finishing this album and we are going to straighten these rumors out this week because we have an interview and Lexi will be sitting with the band" said Jesse looking between the two of us "I guess I dragged myself into the lime light big time" I said with a laugh.

"You want to date an Xavier brother this is part of the territory" said Jesse who sounds more relaxed now that the album is done and we have found a way to settle the wild rumors going around. The following days that go by are dedicated to the guys doing press for their album. When it comes to the interview I have to be at, I had no idea what to wear so I was still standing in front of a mirror as Tristen comes up behind me with his arms around my waist "don't you look hot" he says from behind me with a smile on his face "I was trying to go for professional" I said to him "exactly really hot professional producer, if I didn't know Jesse would kill me if we are late, I'd fuck you right now in that dress" said Tristen as he moves away with a kiss on my cheek "you look quite hot yourself" I said as I turn around and he smirks "thanks babe" said Tristen with a wink as he leaves the room again "now let's roll" he yells from down the hallway.

I take one last look in the mirror and then walk out of his bedroom to do my first Hollywood appearance ever. Tristen takes my hand when we get into the car we piled into with Jesse and Caleb and he kisses my hand "I love you" he says in my ear "can you two stop being so disgustingly in love" Caleb said rolling his eyes and Jesse smirks "try seeing it all the time" said Jesse and Tristen smirks "not so much anymore seems you've been spending a lot of time at Lexi's place with Ally" he says teasingly "I haven't stayed over there" said Jesse awkwardly "but you are there late" I said with a grin and Jesse sighs "go back to being disgustingly in love if it will keep you both quiet" said Jesse rolling his eyes.

When we pull up to the building where we are doing the interview there is paparazzi and fans everywhere waiting for the band. We wait in the car until security lets us out and Tristen grabs my hand immediately as we walk trying to get his point across I guess that I am his girl not Jesse's even if the rumors about them sharing me are still going viral "listen we don't say anything about our relationships with you Lexi until someone asks directly" said Jesse as Tristen nods in agreement "but what if they don't ask" I said worriedly because I want the rumors gone for my careers sake, I don't need others thinking I fuck around with all my clients "don't worry someone will ask" said Tristen with his hand now placed on my hip from behind me as we file in.

I sit near the stage while Tristan Jesse and Caleb are on it, the first few questions are for the band and everything is going smoothly "so Jesse we had heard you had another producer working with you is that true" asks the reporter someone named Kelly I believe "yes, she was amazing to work with and we more than likely will work with her again" said Jesse making me smile "actually our producer is here" said Tristan as Jesse grins "we would actually like to introduce her, she is new to producing and was actually only an intern until Tristen here met her and was nice enough to recommend her to me once they became friendly" said Jesse not wanting to get into detail yet like he said only if asked directly and I'm assuming once I get on that stage the questions will start flying.

"Lexi please join us" said Jesse looking over at me and I smile nervously as I get up and go on to the stage as Tristen moves over for me to sit next to Jesse putting me between both brothers and of course I'm immediately recogonized as "mystery blonde woman" "so your producer is the one that has been rumored you are dating" Kelly asks "yes and it is just a rumor and we'd like to set that record straight" said Tristen with a grin "rumor also has it that both of you are dating Lexi here" said Kelly giving me a disapproving look and I try not to glare at her on live television "rumors are rumors" said Jesse with a shrug "and my brother is more into brunettes anyway" Tristen said jokingly "so how exactly did Lexi become your producer through a romantic relationship" she asks "no I met Tristen on a night out with a friend and we became friends then Tristen was nice enough to put a word in to Jesse about me" I said with a fake smile because this Kelly bitch is really irritating me.

I have gathered in this last hour that reporters can be very annoying "my brother and I do not share girlfriends and I am no cheater, so like I said these are just rumors" said Jesse again "so neither of you are dating Lexi even though there is a clear photo of Tristen and Lexi dancing at a club last week" said Kelly showing the photo on a screen behind us "well then it should be obvious that myself and Lexi are romantically involved have been for months and I will leave it at that, no more questions on myself and my girlfriend" Tristen said with a bit of an attitude "okay so when does the new album come out" Kelly asks getting the hint to move away from the subject of myself and the Xavier brothers "next month" said Jesse and then the rest of the time is about the production of the album "the other thing the fans are dying to know is what the album is called" asks Kelly and Jesse grins "well this is actually a big reveal because Lexi here doesn't even know the title of it" said Jesse with a laugh "no matter how many times I've asked they didn't want to tell me until this interview" I said with a laugh "Never Say Never is the albums name which is actually a song on the album and our first single" said Jesse with a smile "and from what we have gathered you will do this song live today" asks Kelly with a grin "yes we will" said Tristen.

I was still sitting there surprised but with a smile on my face because I had no idea it was the first single or the album name "Never Say Never is actually not written by myself but my brother so I won't take credit for what I'm sure will be a hit single" said Jesse and Tristen smirks "let's not get ahead of ourselves Jesse" said Tristen and he smiles "well then let's get you guys ready and on stage to hear it live for the first time" said Kelly as fans cheer .

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