Back To Work

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Lexi Pov

When I came out of the cubicle and into the studio hoping I'm not blushing "you have hell of a voice, why are you only producing music" asks Jesse completely amazed and Tristen pulls me into him "I'd like to know the same thing" he said and I shrug "never thought about it, I just like to write music and produce" I tell them as I take a seat next to Jesse knowing we have more work to do and he has another song he has to record today.

Jesse smiles at me "well for what it's worth you ever want me to return the favor and produce your own album I'm totally down for it" said Jesse and Tristen chuckles "you realize he's never gonna leave you alone now about taking your career further" said Tristen with a grin "well if I change my mind he will be the first to know then" I said with my own smile then I look over at Jesse "what do you plan to do with my song that you made me record" I ask him just out of curiosity, Jesse shrugs "hold on to it until you come to your senses and record an album with me" he said with a wink "told you" said Tristen with a smile.

I sigh "okay on to the real work now, what song are we recording today" I ask Jesse leaving the whole lets record my own album together thing alone and he smirks then looks over at Tristen "she's all about the job, it's like having a second me here" said Jesse and Tristen chuckles "yeah just a lot prettier to look at" said Tristen giving me a kiss on the cheek "okay work boys" I said with a sigh and Jesse grabs the list of songs we had done and the ones that need to be recorded. As Jesse is about to go into the cubicle Caleb comes down the stairs "hey someone here's to see you Lex" he said to me and I look behind him to see Ally and I get up "what are you doing here" I ask her curiously "better yet why are you telling her where I live" asks Jesse looking straight at Ally and I turn to him nervously "I didn't, not really sure how she found out" I said looking over at Ally.

Ally looks straight at Jesse "I found the paper you wrote his address on from the first time you came here, I didn't know it was a secret" she said still looking at Jesse "I'm not a big fan of giving out my address" he said with a shrug and they are still staring each other down "anyway I came here because I was worried when you stayed out again and we were supposed to meet for lunch not many places you would go" said Ally then grins "so I guess you're okay with him being the Tristen Xavier now" she asks me as she glances back at Jesse, Jesse has yet to look away from Ally which makes me wonder if they are attracted to each other or something.

I smile at Tristen then look back at Ally "we worked it out" I said then I sit back down "sorry I forgot about lunch and now I have to work" I tell her and Jesse smirks "I really like her, she's a hard worker" said Jesse again and I roll my eyes "Jesse behind the glass" I said to him and Tristen chuckles "bossy too" said Tristen with his usual smart ass grin "hey if she is staying, no cell phones" said Jesse as Caleb holds his hand out for her phone and she looks at them confusedly "I don't take chances beautiful, the phone has to go upstairs, I don't want anyone getting a hold of my work and putting out there before its supposed to be out" said Jesse and she sighs "I wouldn't record it but whatever if you're that paranoid" said Ally and hands her phone to Caleb with her eyes still on Jesse. Caleb gives her a grin then brings her phone upstairs.

"Find a seat or whatever, you're lucky I trust Lexi enough to have half way decent friends or I'd kick your ass right out into the street" he said "jesus he wasn't such a dick the night I met him you know at the club when we danced" said Ally and Jesse looks back at her "you were hot" he said with a shrug "I was hot and now I'm not" she said with an attitude "didn't say that beautiful" he said with a smart ass grin then turns away going behind the glass and puts on his headphones his eyes still on her through the glass as she sits down next to me "you good" I ask Jesse and he gives me a nod. I start the music recording.

When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
I wish I was special
You're so fuckin' special

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here

I don't care if it hurts
I wanna have control
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
I want you to notice
When I'm not around
You're so fuckin' special
I wish I was special

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here, oh, oh

She's running out the door
She's running out
She run, run, run, run

Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
You're so fuckin' special
I wish I was special

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
I don't belong here

The Sweetest Sin (The Sinners Series) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now