The Duet

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Lexi Pov

The next day Jesse decided both of us needed a change of scenery so we went to get some lunch while we waited for the other guys. We talked music the entire time "what would you say if I asked you to do a song with me" Jesse said with a smirk like he's up to no good, which most of the time he isn't and I know how this goes it's bargain to get me to sing in front of people or something. I smirk and I'm about to answer him and then a camera flashes then another when I turn around "you truly can't even eat a meal without a camera in your face" I said to him with a laugh "fuck" Jesse grumbles under his breath "we better go but first answer my question" said Jesse and I roll my eyes "I am doing songs with you, I'm your producer remember" I said with a smirk and he chuckles "wise ass" he says as a few more reporters pop up while we are getting up to leave the table "alright we need to make a run for it" Jesse warns me as he put his sunglasses back on and hands me my own then grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd that is forming outside of the restaurant.

Jesse keeps hold of my hand tightly as we make our way through reporters taking pictures of us. We jump into his car and head back to his house. We walk into his house as he still tries to convince me into this whole singing a song with him thing "do you even have a song written or something" I said with a laugh as we head downstairs where Caleb and Tristen are working but when we get downstairs it didn't look like much working was going on. Tristen is laying on the couch with his damn sunglasses on as always and Caleb is rummaging through our notes of different songs "sunglass boy shouldn't you be working" I said to Tristen as I sit next to him leaning over him "sunglass boy" he says questioningly and I give him a smile "you do know you are home and the sunglasses aren't necessary" I said then I kiss him and pull up his shades at the same time to look into his pretty green eyes.

"Hey love birds save that for the bedroom, time to actually do some work" said Caleb then I roll my eyes and grab the papers he had in his hands "almost done with this album guys" I said with a smile then we get to work on recording another song we chose earlier that morning to record. After a while Tristen decides to make a coffee run and Caleb tags along. Jesse takes this as an opportunity to try again to get me to do a song with him and I roll my eyes "if I say yes then don't get any ideas that means I'm doin an album or something but more as a not passing up a chance to sing with The Jesse Xavier, I guess I might have to take my chances on that" I said to him with a smirk and he smiles "you are awesome you know that" he tells me and I shrug "well a really good friend told me to take chances so I'm just taking his advice" I said with a wink and Jesse smirks "must be a real smart guy" said Jesse and I shrug "sort of but he still needs my help with his album" I said jokingly then we are working out a song for me to do with him "what are you thinking for a song, what kind of song" I ask curiously and he gives me a smile "well I had this music stuck in my head, this beat for a few days" said Jesse as he gets up then turns to his keyboard and plays it then turns to me and I grin "no words yet I take it" I said and he shakes his head "still thinking" he tells me with a smile as he taps his head.

"Play it again for me" I ask him with a smile just as the guys come down and we turn to them then we get them up to base with the idea and Jesse plays some music "so a duet" said Tristen with a smirk then he looks over at me "he's wearing you down on getting you to sing on our album now" said Tristen and I shrug "just taking chances here" I said then I give him a kiss as he hands me my coffee "alright let's work on the rest of the music then" said Tristen excitedly and Jesse turns to him with a grin "now you're ready work" he said jokingly as he plays it again then we start talking about the rest of the music. We work till one in the morning on just the music.

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