Never Say Never

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Tristen Pov

After a few days the rumors were still going around that Lexi and Jesse were dating so we avoided the public eye as much as possible at least it was easy enough to do because we were finishing up in the studio there isn't much time for going out but this afternoon I had to get out for a while.

I slam the door as I leave the house because Jesse is irritating the shit out of me and so are these fucking reporters "where are you goin" asks Lexi when she follows me outside "away from here" I growl but she grabs my wrist and I sigh then I turn to her "you do realize reporters like to hide around, we don't need people getting ideas that me and Jesse share girls" I tell her but she pulls me down to her "I don't care, I know who I love, its you, I mean I love Jesse as a friend but you are the Xavier brother I fell for" said Lexi and then I smash my lips to hers in a very heated kiss.

Jesse comes out into our front doorway "this isn't hiding out' said Jesse irritatingly "I'm not fucking hiding, if you don't fix this Jesse then I will kiss my own girl wherever the fuck I want" I yell at him and Jesse sighs "let's go out tonight all of us including Ally, have fun, show our faces somewhere public" said Jesse finally realizing the hiding out thing is not working for any of us "we're gonna go out finally" Caleb said excitedly and relieved "because I really can't stand the two of you fighting all the time" he said to me and Jesse " I need to get drunk and get laid" said Caleb as he walks away "meet you guys at wherever you decide later tonight" said Caleb as he walks to his car.

"and I'm taking you on a motorcycle ride, so get ready" I said to Lexi and she smiles then kisses me again then walks away into the house.

That night we were going to the very club Lexi and I met at but Lexi was meeting us because she had to take care of a few things in the studio. I sat at the bar alone while watching Jesse flirt with Ally. I grin to myself because I haven't seen my brother flirt in a while. Of course his idea of flirting is very nonchalant to anyone else here he's just making conversation but I see the look in his eyes, he likes her, well obliviously they've already kissed but seems Jesse hasn't done anything to make any other kind of move much to Ally's dismay.

I go to pay for my second drink "care to by a lady a drink" said a voice next to my ear and I smirk then turn to see my girl in a sexy little red dress "holy shit" I mutter "do you like my dress Tristen" asks Lexi with a sexy grin and I grin leaning closer "I like the dress but I would love to take it off even more" I said with a grin then I order both of us beers and tequila "cheers" I said clinking my shot glass to hers "I'm gonna need the liquor tonight to not touch you sexually while in the public eye" I said with a smile.

Jesse looks over at me and then him and Ally join us "still have to keep it cool you two" he said with a warning "I told you I'm not hiding anymore if you can't fix it then I will just keeping going about my life enjoying my girl in public and private" I said to him and Jesse sighs "just leave it Jesse" Lexi said irritatingly "besides you've been over there flirting with Ally now if you had a girlfriend you wouldn't be doing that" I tell him with a shit eating grin then I grab Lexi's hand "now if you excuse us, I think I'd like to dance with my girlfriend who looks stunning tonight" I tell him with a grin as I pull Lexi along with me to the dance floor.

I pull her to me "you look too sexy tonight" I whisper in her ear as I slip my hands down her hips as we dance. Just like the first time we danced together it turns sexy, the way she moves against me "are you teasing me right now" I whisper in her ear when she turns the other way "maybe" she says back as I move her hair out of the way and kiss up her neck "I can tease to you know princess" I tell her and she continues grind into me as we dance "do you wanna leave" I ask her as I turn her to me and pull her close again "funny you asked me that the first night we met" said Lexi with a grin "yes but now I know you will come home with me" I said with a smirk "what makes you so sure" asks Lexi and I grin "because now I'm your boyfriend" I say with a smile then I tilt her chin up to me and I kiss her slowly and slide my hand to her ass until a camera flashes.

I take her hand and pull her out of the crowds of people dancing then into a small bathroom and I push her up against the wall and smash my lips back to hers into another passionate kiss "we can get caught in here too" said Lexi breathlessly as I kiss down her neck and I grin then reach over and lock the door and then my lips are back on hers as I slip my hand to her thigh pulling it over my waist and continue kissing down her throat to her chest and she slips her hands down my chest to my waist then unbuckles my belt while biting her lip and looking into my eyes "what are you doing princess" I ask quietly "scandalous sex in a club bathroom" said Lexi with smirk as she unbuttons my pants then unzips them when her hand slips into my pants and boxers then her hand is around my length making me groan when she strokes my cock "is that what you want" I ask as lift her sexy little red dress up then move her panties to the side as I smash my lips back to hers as she quickly pushes my boxers and pants down my thighs then I pick her up quickly and thrust right into her making us both moan.

I fuck her against the wall relentlessly as she meets me thrust for thrust "fuck Lexi" I growl as we fuck "so good" she mumbles then I turn us to the small accent table in this fancy fucking bathroom and put her on it laying her on it as I thrust into her "did I ever tell you I love fucking scandalous sex" I growl as she grinds on my cock from below me "fuck Lexi, I'm so fucking close baby" I growl and she moans "come baby" I groan as I meet her grinding when I feel her clench around my cock I cover her mouth with my hand when she moans as she comes and sends me right over the edge with her and I burry my head in her hair when I groan as I come hard inside her.

When someone bangs on the bathroom door making us both jump "I know you're both in there" said Jesse and we laugh a little as we pull apart and I pull her off the table as she fixes herself and I pull up my pants and run my fingers through my just fucked hair as she tries to fix her freshly fucked hair then I hand her a tissue for the red lipstick I smudged with my hand over her mouth and I give her a soft kiss then I unlock the bathroom door and Jesse looks between the two of us "you couldn't leave the club to do that" said Jesse irritatingly "where's the fun in that" I said with a smirk "we are leaving now" he growls as he walks away with one last glare. Lexi and I look at each other and laugh "I think we pissed him off" I say quietly as I entwine our hands as we walk through crowds of people and out of the club and of course there is paparazzi outside of the club.

The next day when I get downstairs Jesse is already up and having coffee, he looks over at me with a glare "what, are you really still mad" I ask rolling my eyes at him but he just passes me his phone "Xavier brothers sharing mystery girl" I read out loud "I told you to be careful" said Jesse as I hand him back the phone "we danced and we snuck away not like I fucked her on the dance floor, you were with Ally so how does a rumor like this happen" I say irritatingly "I never touched Ally I didn't even dance with her, it merely looked like we were old friends catching up" said Jesse and I smirk then look at the next story "Jesse Xavier cheating on his mystery blonde" I read out loud "apparently there are some wild rumors going around, how does it make sense we are sharing one girl and your cheating on her, none of these rumors make sense, I told you I wasn't going to hide out anymore or hide being with my own girl, I've done enough hiding for a lifetime" I say to him.

Lexi comes into the kitchen "so now the rumor is that the two of you are sharing me and Jesse is a cheater" said Lexi rolling her eyes holding out her phone "yup I saw it Jesse here just showed me" I tell her and she sighs "now what do we do" asks Lexi and Jesse doesn't say anything at first "we have an album that is almost done, we do the finishing touches on that so I can get it to the label then we deal with this rumor shit" said Jesse as he walks away and goes downstairs into our studio "Lex, you coming" he yells from downstairs "apparently I'm on his shit list right now, so I better go downstairs" Lexi says to me and I smirk then she grabs her cup of coffee and gives me a kiss.

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