Making Up

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Tristen Pov

After Lexi came into the studio and ended up hearing my song to say I was uncomfortable is an understatement so I booked before the second verse. I was in the kitchen getting coffee when Caleb walks in, I turn and look over at him and put my cup on the counter and cross my arms over my chest "what are you doing here" I ask giving him a glare, he puts his hands up "I'm not here to fight man but I'm in the band too" said Caleb, I laugh "not for long" said Tristen even if it was a lie, Jesse would never throw Caleb out of the band and to be honest neither would I even if I really do still want to beat his ass "Tristen be for real your brother isn't going to kick me out of the band because you're mad at me" said Caleb "mad is an understatement more like so pissed I still want to beat your ass and it's been weeks since that fight in the studio" I tell him.

Caleb looks at me "you know what, if it will make you fucking happy then beat my ass okay, just know it won't change what happened and that I'm sorry I did what I did okay when I didn't know it was a mistake when I found out I should've backed off and I'm sorry I didn't, wasn't really worth getting my ass kicked by one of my best friends" said Caleb, I sigh "I said I want to still beat your ass but I didn't say I was going too because your right it doesn't change it besides why fight over someone who isn't going to be mine again anyway" I said with a shrug "so your giving up that's not the Tristen I know" said Caleb, "no I'll keep trying but I know I more than likely won't win her over" said Tristen "so are you accepting my apology" asks Caleb, I grin and put my hand out to shake and we shake hands and give a half hug.

"well now that that's settled I'm going go see what our lead singer and producer are doing, you going down there too" asks Caleb "nah, I was already down there, I'm gonna go upstairs" said Tristen grabbing his coffee.

I get up to my room and play around on my own guitar for a while then set it aside and decide to take a shower then maybe take a nap or something until there is a knock on my door. I open the door to see Lexi standing there "can we talk" she asks me, I open the door wider not saying anything. Lexi turns to me "what do you want to talk about" I ask her as I walk around her "I just wanted to apologize for what happened with Caleb and I, I shouldn't have continued seeing him once I knew he was in the band, I'm not even completely sure why I continued to see him maybe Jesse is right and a part of me wanted to make you jealous or something" said Lexi.

I laugh in more of a sarcastic way "well you succeeded on that" I said to her and she gets quiet and we just look at each other then she looks away "I'm sorry" I take her chin making her look up at me "I'm not exactly innocent here you know, I fucked up too and I'm sorry too" I say softly then pull her into my arms "you wanna go somewhere, I never got a chance to take you for a ride on my bike" I said with a grin, Lexi nods. I grab a tee shirt and my leather jacket, I put my boots on then take her hand. Jesse comes up the stairs from the studio as we are walking out, I give him a grin, he gives me a mock cheers with his coffee cup with a laugh and continues his way into the kitchen.

I turn to her once we are near my bike "you ever been on a bike" I ask as I put my helmet on her, she nods her head. I get on my bike and she climbs on behind me and wraps her arms around my waist as I back out of the drive way "where are we going" she asks over the sound of my bike "the beach like we always do" I say to her with a grin, she smiles and then holds me tighter after all these weeks without her around it feels good to be happy again and have her arms around me.

I take her hand in mine entwining our fingers and we walk along the beach together "So how's it been working with just my pain in the ass brother" I ask with a laugh, she smiles "pretty good, we are good team, he's a hard worker I have to say that" said Lexi, I laugh "he works in his sleep I swear, if he even does sleep" said Tristen and she laughs "he says he doesn't need a full eight hours and he will sleep when he's dead" said Lexi, I grin and turn to her "yeah that sounds about right, he says he finished the music to whatever song he insisted on making music for that you wrote" I said with a smile and she rolls her eyes, "he insisted on it, on top of that I made deal to sing it after I agreed to let him make music for it that was his one condition of course he waited to ask me after I agreed to let him make a music for it" said Lexi "so you bargained with the devil and got burned by his persistence" I say with a laugh, she sighs "yup, I should've known better being the fact he always has a motive to do something" said Lexi, I put my arm around her shoulder.

"always, so you wanna go in the water" I ask, she laughs "we don't even have bathing suits on" she said and I shrug and pull her close to me and look down at her "no one is around and it's dark out now' I said with a smile and she looks at him and then she pulls her shirt off. I look at her perfect tits in her black lacey bra this might be harder than I thought "didn't take much convincing" I say with a shrug "you only live once right" she says as she throws her shirt to the side then unbuttons her jean shorts and unzips them kicking them off along with her own black boots, "did I ever mention how sexy I find it when u wear those shorts with those boots, something about it, is just sexy" I say to her as I pull my shirt off then my jeans and then I grab her and throw her over my shoulder running into the water and she squeals.

I throw her in the water and she comes up "you are such an asshole for that" she says to me then she tries to dunk my head under the water and loses on that too and I flip her over my shoulder laughing which turns into a water fight as we laugh. I haven't had this much fun with a girl that didn't involve sex in a long time even though I can't say sex isn't on my mind right now. I pull her to me after a while and she looks up at me with those big blue eyes and I lean in and kiss her passionately with my hands in her hair and then I pick her up and her legs around my waist in the water. I really can't help myself, I haven't had her in weeks or even had sex in general because I only want one girl and she is wrapped around me right now. I continue kissing her down her chest the salt from the water on her skin. Lexi brings me back to her lips, her hands in my hair "fuck I missed you so much" I say in between our kisses "missed me or this" she asks in between kisses down my neck, she looks at me "everything, you in general, mind, body and soul" I say to her then her lips are back on mine and I give her ass a squeeze as we kiss.

The kissing leads to her grinding against my already hard cock and I groan into our kisses. I unclip her bra throwing it on the rocks that we somehow ended up near which keeps us hidden just in case. I lick around her nipples earning a moan from her as she continues to grind into my cock again,"you keep doing that and we are going to be fucking right here behind this rock" I growl, she grinds against me again making me groan "princess I wouldn't test me, you know I will, I have no problem with indecent exposure" I say to her, Lexi gives me a grin "maybe I want you to fuck me right here" Lexi tells me, she just had to say that, that's all it takes and my cock is out of my boxers and her panties are pushed to the side. I thrust right into her pussy making her moan "you miss me baby" I whisper in her ear as I kiss down her neck and slowly slide in and out of her wanting to feel every inch of her pussy around me, fucking her slowly even if it tortures me because I really I just want to ram my cock into her pussy until she screams.

Lexi moans my name in my ear, "answer me, did you miss me" I ask her again "god yes" she moans "me or my cock princess" I say as she meets my thrusts, she moans holding me tighter to her "both" she says in a moan. I grin and then kiss her long and hard, "fuck me harder" Lexi says to me in between kisses making me growl "as you wish princess" I growl and slam into pussy relentlessly "so you like to be fucked hard" I growl as I fuck her making the water around us splash as I ram my cock into her tight little pussy, she kisses me hard and then pulls away "yes I do like it rough" Lexi said to me and I grin and then I grab the back of her hair as I slam my cock into her "fuck you feel so good baby" I growl as fuck her and lick her pink hardened nipples "come for me, come all over my cock" I growl grinding my hips into her, fucking her balls deep "Tristen" she moans as she comes, her pussy convulsing around my cock making me groan and I fuck her faster and harder making her fall apart again as I get to my own release growling her name.

I kiss her long and hard "sex in the water on the beach, this won't be the last time princess, we will do this again" I say to her and then slide my cock back into my boxers and just before I let her get her bra back on I pin her to the rocks and lick her tits, sucking on them and then I pull away "just wanted to do that before you put that back on. We get out of the water and talk for a while "we are going to freeze our asses off on your bike" she says to me, "don't worry I can warm you right back up when we get back to my house" I say to her with a smile. We get dressed or start to, she pulls her panties off. Then puts her shorts on "not really into the feeling of wet panties" said Lexi and then she slides her panties into my jeans pocket, I groan "you really are a tease" I say to her and then kiss her and we get back on my bike.

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