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Caleb Pov

I didn't feel completely wrong for what was happening between Lexi and I because they weren't together if they were I wouldn't continue our sexual relationship and if they were she wouldn't have had sex with me the first time so I went for a second time.

I still am going to keep our sexual relationship to myself and I am sure she will too if I ask her too and maybe she wants too anyway but I definitely don't want to end it, the sex is too good to end and she is way too hot for her own good. I know she might go back to Tristen some day but it won't hurt me really because I don't do relationships, I'm good with friends with benefits deal. I will even only sleep with her just I don't want anything more than that and I will tell her too, hopefully she will be okay with it.

Lexi followed me back to my place and as soon as we got in clothes started coming off "fuck baby" I groan as she kisses down my body, licking, kissing then her mouth wraps around my cock that sexy little mouth around my cock is so good, It's not easy to hold back from exploding in her mouth but I really want to fuck her.

I pull her up and get her on her back pinning her hands above her head, I love having it my way. I take a pair of handcuffs out "can I handcuff you to my headboard" I asked I always ask first just in case the girl isn't like that but this one I think she likes kinky and maybe is just figuring that out with me, she nods, I groan "fuck I wanted to do this the first night we fucked" I growl as I handcuff her. I spread her legs apart and l kiss her sliding my tongue into her mouth, she moans into our kiss. I kiss and lick down her neck then around those pink nipples of hers, sucking on them, I kiss and lick slowly down her body as she arches her back, I grin because I know where she wants me but I love tease.

Lexi whimpers I look up at her "I like to tease make you want it so bad you are begging me to make you come" I tell her and she whimpers again. She loves my dirty talk which makes me even more hard. I kiss up her thighs, sucking and kissing. I give her pussy one little lick and she moans then I come back up to her nipples licking them, giving her another kiss and teasing her pussy with my fingers, rubbing her clit, slipping my fingers into her wet pussy. I continue to tease her making her legs shake as I rub her clit then stopping when she is about come "please" she whispers, I grin and kiss up her neck, she's already begging me to make her come "what do you want baby" I whisper in her ear as I slide my fingers back into her pussy and she grinds into my fingers "please" she moans again "tell me, say it" I say to her as I once again slide my fingers from her pussy "please Caleb make me come" she begs and I groan then I give her a smirk as I kiss down her body and plunge my tongue right into her pussy.

Lexi moans my name loudly as I continue to lick her pussy like it's my last meal, sucking on her clit, sliding my fingers into her pussy as she once again comes on my fingers. Finally I couldn't take anymore of playing with her body and so I open a condom quickly and slide it on then I thrust my cock right into her. I pull out of her then plunge back in deep, fucking her pussy deeply leaning over her and unlocking the handcuffs wanting her hands on my body wanting her nails scratching down my back. Lexi pulls me to her kissing me, her tongue licking all around my mouth driving me wild I as fuck her pussy hard making the head board of my bed bang into the wall, my groans and her moans filling the room. Lexi digs her nails into my back which just makes me have to hold back even more because I'm ready to fucking explode, pain and pleasure is my favorite thing some may say that's sick but I love it.

"Yeah fuck digs those nails in my back" I said in growl ash she scratches down my back harder, our bodies are slick with sweat, she keeps her nails digging in back as I grind into her pussy and I bite her neck, sucking on it but not enough to make a mark just enough to make her moan louder "did I find a sweet spot baby" I ask, I slide a hand around her neck as I kiss her "fuck, come again, I can't hold back much longer" I tell her as I feel my balls tighten and I groan, "fuck" I growl and I rub her clit fast making her fall apart again as soon as she tightens around my cock and she comes, I come with a few incoherent swear words because it was that good, so good.

I kiss her again then roll off of her, "fuck that was hot" I say with a grin, she kisses me again "very hot" she says to me which turns me on again, she was that honest and said that I gave it to her good "next round will be in my shower" I say with a grin and give her another kiss "but first I need a drink, preferably an alcoholic beverage, you want one" I ask her and she nods "what do you want, I have a mini bar with pretty much everything" I tell her as I get up "oh my god, I'm so sorry" she says sitting up. I turn to her "for what" I said as I got to the bar and poured some rum and coke "your back it's all scratched up" she said feeling bad.

I walk back over to her handing her drink over "don't be sorry, I love it, I love the pain of it" I said to her as I sit next to her and she looks over at me "why" she asks, apparently she's never heard of such a thing "just it turns me on, making you so hot you dig your nails into me, the pain is a good pain, trust me, I've done it to girls and they love it, nothing abusive just a spanking and some girls get off on it, maybe someday we can try that, punishing with pleasure and pain makes me turned on just thinking of doing it to you" I said to her with I grin "see my cock is already hard thinking about it, wanna go take a shower" I ask her and she grins and gets up and I bring her to the shower for another round.

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