chapter 25- Me and Him

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After what felt like an eternity my mom left the hospital saying that she'll be back till the night

I didn't see arron after that, assuming that he had left with Mr. Swenson. I really wanted to see him

Mr Swenson also mentioned that Emma and the others wanted to visit but my mom hushed him by saying that I'll be discharged in a day and it's nothing serious

Though I don't know myself what happened and how serious it is.. To be honest I don't really care the fact that I was so chill about it did low key bug me but I pushed the thought at the back of my head

The door creaked open as I was still in my thoughts, my eyes were fixed on the small window parallel to my bed, it was starting to get dark

I expected the person who was most probably a nurse to take my drip off or something but as if no one entered it was silent

Curiously moving my head to the opposite direction I saw arron, his hair were messy and uniform messy, he looked extremely exhausted

Was he here the whole day? Didn't he leave?

I slowly lifted my body up in a sitting position upon seeing him as he took slow unsteady steps towards me with his hands in his pockets

My eyes followed him as he sat on the edge of the bed with a low groan before his eyes finally met mine.

"how... are you feeling now?" he spoke in a low voice

"I'm fine.." i spoke, not sure if I actually was or not

"aren't you tired" I continued after a few seconds of silence

His head was ducked down as he stared at the ground deep in his thoughts with his body supported by his hands

He shook his head no indicating that he wasn't tired

I felt really bad for him, he must've been so worried but my low self esteem screamed somewhere in my head telling me that I'm not that important to him

I slowly pulled the bandage off my arm as I pulled the drip out, arron's head
Snapped towards me as his expression changed into worry

"what are you-" he looked at me with slightly wide eyes and a confused face

Before he could continue I got out of the bed ignoring how my head spun. I moved in front of arron as he looked up at me

Not knowing what I was doing myself I slowly pushed his shoulders, signalling him to lay down on the bed as he hesitantly  moved back onto the bed

Not wasting any time I climbed up his lap positioning myself with my legs on his side as I bought my lips close to his, capturing them in a kiss

He immediately responded as his hands gripped the sides of my waist, the kiss was slow and passionate. His lips molded against mine slowly, kissing all my pain and insecurities away and I knew I had the same impact on him

His body relaxed under me and his uncertain hands now gripped my waist more tightly, my heart broke at how his lips trembled against mine between the kiss as he pushed them harder against mine and kissed me more deeply

All I wanted was to feel and understand him but none of us were good with words so there we were kissing each other like there's no tomorrow drowning in various  overwhelming emotions

I broke the kiss slowly letting his lower lip go as our foreheads leaned against each other, we both were out of breath at this point and refused to open our eyes

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