The Man Encased in the Floating Mass of Ice

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You, Sokka, and Katara were out fishing for the day. With all three of you sitting in a small boat, Sokka was trying to skewer an unsuspecting fish.

"It's not getting away from me this time," Sokka said, "Watch and learn, Katara, Y/n. This is how you catch a fish." Uninterested, you turned your head away to look at Katara. She removed her mitten and bent the water in front of her. A bubble of water floated into the air, carrying a fish.

"Sokka, look!" Katara exclaimed.

"Shh, Katara. You're gonna scare him away," he said.
You deadpanned at him. "Mmm... I can already smell it cooking."

"But Sokka, I caught one," Katara said, moving her body. The ball of water floated upwards. Sokka pulled his spear back, popping the bubble and releasing the fish. The water showered over Sokka's head.

The two of them exclaimed. You sighed and shook your head lightly.

"Why is it that every time you play with magic water, I get soaked?" Sokka asked.

"It's cause you're a bitch," you spoke up. He glared at you. Katara sighed, already annoyed by him.

"It's not magic. It's waterbending. And it's-"

"Yeah, yeah, an ancient art unique to our culture, blah blah blah..."
You quirked a brow at him.

"Look, I'm just saying that that if I had weird powers I'd keep my weirdness to myself."

"You're calling me weird? I'm not the one who makes muscles at myself every time I see my reflection in the water."

'Where did I pull the short stick to end up with these two annoying shits?' You thought, crossing your arms. Sokka, who was indeed making muscles at himself, turned to look at her. The boat was suddenly caught in a... I don't know what it's called, some sort of intense, water-park themed ride. Sokka was trying to dodge the ice and steer at the same time.

'... guess I'll help.' You thought, standing up. With slow, fluid movements, the water around you calmed, and guided you all safely. Your eyes then landed on Sokka who was doing something stupid again. Twitching, your last movement was harsher. The water around you slammed the boat onto a thick sheet of ice, sending the two of them sliding over it.

"What the heck was that for?!" Sokka screeched at you.

"You were annoying me. Get over it."

"Ugh! I knew I should've left you two home," he said down on the ice. "Leave it to a girl to screw things up."

'Oh, you just sealed your coffin, buddy.'
You walked up to him, and quite literally lifting him by his collar.

"First of all, buddy boy, it was you who didn't pay attention to Katara, it was you who popped her waterbending bubble, it was you who led us directly down that rushing stream, and it was you who annoyed me to the point where I crashed the boat."
As you were listing off the reasons why Sokka was a fuckass, the water around you bobbed slightly. Katara, who was standing, had to sit down.

"Uh, Y/n?" She called while you were still talking. When you got done with your sentence, the force of the water cracked a large iceberg behind you all.

"Ever since your mother died, it's been Katara and I doing all the work around camp-"

"Y/n...?" Katara called.

"-while you've been off playing solider. She even washes all the clothes! Have you ever smelt your dirty socks?"
The iceberg cracked even more so.

"Y/n, you might want to calm down a little," Katara said.

"So if us girls screw it up so much, then we're done helping you. From here on out, you're on your own."
The iceberg split down the middle, crashing into the water. The force sent all three of you flying away. You quickly dropped Sokka and calmed the water around you. The ice sheet you were on was steady, while the water around you raged on. When everything settled, Katara and Sokka were on their stomachs.

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