The Liquidbreaking Paper {2}

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Your brow twitched at Katara.

"You stole... a waterbending scroll?" You asked.

"I prefer to think of it as high-risk trading," she replied, crossing her arms.

"No wonder they were trying to hack us up," Sokka said

"Where do you think they got it? They stole it from a waterbender," she added on. You rolled your eye.

"That doesn't matter," you said, "You put your lives in danger for the sake of learning a few bending moves."

"Maybe you don't need to learn, but you know how crucial it is for Aang to learn waterbending," Katara argued.

"Did you take that for Aang to learn? ... or for you?" You quirked your brow, crossing your arms.

"Both of us," she replied. You nodded.

"Alright, well have fun learning. Both of you." You walked away, jumping onto a rock and sitting down. You skimmed your fingers along the surface of the water, suspending it in the air. You played with it, creating shapes. You were busying yourself with it.

"Will you please shut your air hole?!"
You turned your head at Katara's screaming.

"Believe it or not, your infinite wisdom gets a little old sometimes!! Why don't we just throw the scroll away since you're so naturally gifted?!?!" You ran over to them immediately.9

"Katara!" You exclaimed, pulling her away.

"What?!" She looked at you. You glared at her. Then she looked at Aang who was about ready to cry. You facepalmed.

"Oh my gosh, Aang..." She lowered her voice. "I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"Jealousy," you said blankly. She gave you a side-eyed glare.

"But you know what?" She walked up to the scroll and rolled it up. "It won't happen again. Here, this is yours." She handed it to him.

"I don't want to have anything to do with it anymore."

"It's okay, Katara," Aang replied.

"What about Momo? He's the real victim here," Sokka said. You turned to see the lemur rubbing its ass.

"What did you do?" You asked the two of them.

"Katara water whipped him," Sokka replied with a smirk.

"It's not my fault!"

Later that night, all of you were camping out around a fire. You heard Katara shifted out of her sleeping bag and opened your eye. You saw her sneak towards the bag and grabthe scroll, tip toeing away. Momo saw her and began to purr, but Katara shushed him.

"Momo, go back to sleep," Katara whispered. Your eye narrowed. She walked past him and into the woods. You quietly stood up and followed after her, leaving the boys alone. You walked through the dark woods, looking around.

'Shit, she's fast.' You stopped moving to listen. Trees rustled from around you and you heard the distant flow of water. You quietly walked in that direction. As you got closer, you could hear faint yelling.

'Of course Katara's being loud.' You thought. Then you heard the scraping of metal.

'Oh no...' You moved faster through the trees, seeing Zuko's docked ship through the leaves. You broke through the treeline and saw Katara tied to a tree with the pirates and Fire Nation soldiers around her.

'What a dumb stupid bitch.' You thought.

"Tell me where he is, and I won't hurt you or your brother," Zuko said.

"Don't tell him anything," you spoke, coming out from the trees.

"Y/n!" Katara cried. You brought the water out of the lake and around your body, ready to attack if necessary.

"It's a good thing I followed you here," you said, "You were closer than I thought." Zuko thought for a moment before slowly walking towards you.

"Try to understand, I need to capture him to restore something I've lost--my honor." He kept his distance from you, but circled you a little. "Perhaps in exchange, I can restore something you've lost." You furrowed your brow. He then pulled out your eyepatch from his back and held it up. Your eye widened slightly.

"My patch..." You trailed. You then moved the water to point at his throat. "How did you get that?"

"I didn't steal it if that's what you're wondering. Tell me where he is."

"Make me."
Zuko's eyes narrowed at you, but you were dead serious.

"Enough of this patch garbage," the main pirate said, "You promised the scroll." Zuko walked away from you, not turning his back to you. That's fine. You can wait. He then pulled the scroll out from his back as well, holding it up.

"I wonder how much money this is worth," he taunted, setting his hand ablaze. The pirates gasped in shock.

"A lot, apparently."
You snarled at him.

'He's learned a lot from his sister, apparently.' You thought.

"Now, you help me find what I want, you'll get this back, and everyone goes home happy. Search the woods for the boy and meet back here."

You used the water to whip the pirates in the face, then used it to slice through Katara's restraints.

"Go get Aang!! Quickly!" You ordered, putting out a fireball. Katara turned and ran back into the woods.

"Follow her!!" Zuko yelled. A pirate recovered and took after her. You used a part of your water to freeze it, and shot it through his leg. He yelled out in pain. You moved closer to the lake and raised your arms. A giant wave formed and loomed over all of you. You moved your arms in a graceful circle and it swept through the beach, taking all of them with it. You turned and ran through the woods. You strafed to the side when fire was shot at you. You turned to see Zuko running after you.

"GOD you're like a fuckin COCKROACH!!" You yelled, using your water to put out his fire.

"Don't you want your mother's eye patch?" He asked holding it out and threatening to burn it. You stopped moving.

"Then do it," you said, "Burn it!" He seemed slightly surprised.

"Doesn't this mean a lot to you? Why would you easily give it up?"

"That isn't worth giving Aang up," you replied, "And don't threaten someone when you're not going to follow through." He growled loudly, throwing it to the ground and bending a strong wave of fire towards you. You took the humidity from the air and blocked, and redirected it.

'Ugh! My waterbending isn't deterring this stupid bitch!' You thought, dodging more fire. You took a few steps back and sighed. You then changed your stance and took a deep breath. Zuko also took a stance to prepare for any waves that might come at him. You punched the air.

Flames burst forth and straight for his face.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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