Kyoshi's Soldiers {3}

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The unagi whipped Aang so hard he went flying away. You raised your arms and the water caught him in midair. You slowly brought him down to you and rested him against you. The unagi ducked under the water to try to sneak up on you. You looked around. Letting Aang go, you raised your arms. The body of water in front of you slowly began to raise into the sky. You let out a steady sigh and manipulated it into a ball with the serpent inside of it. You looked down at Aang and saw he was half unconscious. Taking a single hand, you passed it over his mouth, slowly bending the water that made its way to his lungs. He coughed out the rest. Aang slowly woke up. When he saw the unagi swimming in a ball of suspended water, his eyes widened.

"WOAH!! THAT'S SO COOL!" He exclaimed, miraculously better.

"Thanks," you replied, taking a step back. You pushed your arms forward, throwing the ball of water. The unagi basically belly flopped, and screeched. The waves rocked the ice platform you stood on, pushing you farther away from it. You grabbed Aang and jumped onto the shore, taking cover behind some rocks. A loud ship horn blew from the distance and you peaked out, seeing the same ship come at the island.

"Zuko," you whispered. You grabbed Aang. "Come on." The both of you crawled along the rocks, soon coming to where the ship docked. Zuko multiple of his soldiers were riding rhinos onto the island.

"Where the hell are your clothes?" You asked.

"... back at the beach."
You pointed.


You and Aang arrived in the fire-torn village. All of the villagers took shelter in a building while the soldiers were basically raiding it. You and him stood on the pathway, right behind Zuko.

"Hey! Over here!" Aang yelled. Zuko turned around and saw you two.

"Finally," he said before bending fire towards you. You bent your water and created a wall, putting out the flames directly in front of Aang's face.

"I'm putting out the flames on the houses," you said, using your water to propel you upwards. You landed on a roof, overlooking both the village and the ocean. You widened your stance and brought your arms up slowly and fluidly. The water slowly rose up into the air, suspended over the village. You sharply brought your arms down and the water followed. Instead of coming down like a wave, it came down like a heavy rain. The flames were smothered in smoke and the buildings were no longer ablaze. You jumped from roof to roof, landing down on the ground next to Sokka and Suki.

"Sokka, we have to go," you said. You ignored his Kyoshi Warrior attire and face painting. He nodded at you.

"Get out of here, we'll hold them off," Suki said, standing up and running back. You and Sokka ran over to the waiting Appa and jumped onto his back.

"Appa, yip yip!" Aang said. Appa took off and flew over the village. You moved to the back of the saddle and watched as the soldiers and Zuko chased after you. You stood and and moved your hands up. The water below you spiraled upwards into the sky. You held your hands out and the water separated, freezing into ice spikes. You pushed your hands down and the ice spikes flew towards the ground at the soldiers. Dust and dirt was kicked up from your attack.

"When did you learn to do all that?" Sokka asked, peeking over the saddle. You smiled lightly.

"Who knows," you replied, sitting back down. "All that matters is that I can do it."

"I guess," Sokka shrugged.

Ja ne

{Ruby Red}

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